Integrate 3rd party phyapps with plex platform.
Plex Sdk
version 0.0.25
everisPlex is a Phygital Platform that integrates phyapps.
Phyapp is a phygital application that generate value to a client in a phygital journey.
Plex Sdk
Integrate 3rd party phyapps with plex platform.
This SDK is intended to be an aid for developers who wnats to be part of everisPlex ecosystem.
In order to use this SDK, first you have to be a everisPlex client.
This SDK is made for use in devices phyapps.
npm install everis-plexsdk
Before Use:
You have to access the platform and create the device and associate it to a localization.
Then you have to copy the device UUID and keep it safe in a file ou database.
Firs of all import the SDK:
const plex = require('everis-plexsdk')
Now all methods are available from const plex.
Create a file called '.env' in your root folder.
in this file copy the line below, using your UUID device number:
This SDK contains methods to initiate a comunication with the platform.
In this version there are the followings methods:
- plex.init()
The first one is responsible to call health-check. Health-check shows the health of your application in the platform.
- plex.imgCharacteristics(img)
This method is used to send an image to the platform. The return is a promise with the response from platform.
This image must be in base 64 format.
- plex.sendAnalytics(data)
This method was created to send analytics to plex platform. The data is an object with key:value format.
In this object the developer should include all metrics of it's phyapp.
Before send Analytics Data you have to use these methods in order to fullfill your data:
- plex.setAnalyticsStartTime ()
This method set the start time of the experience in miliseconds according unixtime pattern. Just call it when your experience starts, no parameters needed.
- plex.setAnalyticsEndTime ()
This method set the end time of the experience in miliseconds according unixtime pattern. Just call it when your experience ends, no parameters needed.
- plex.setAnalyticsLeadTime ()
This method is used to set the time that the client/user of the experience become a lead depends on an action, in miliseconds according unixtime pattern. No parameters needed.
- plex.setAnalyticsSaleTime ()
This method is used to set the time that the client/user of the experience makes a sale action, in miliseconds according unixtime pattern. No parameters needed.
- plex.setAnalyticsFunelStep (int status)
If your Phyapp has different funel steps for the clients, use this method to set the status of the client during your application. The options are:
- 1: visitor
- 2: lead
- 3: sale
- plex.setAnalyticsClientName (name:string)
This method is used to set the name of your client in data analytics, if your applications is a application that makes a recognition or register. The parameter is a String.
- plex.setAnalyticsClientId (id:string)
This method is used to set the id of your client in data analytics, if your applications is a application that makes a recognition or register. The parameter is a String.
- plex.setAnalyticsClientProfile (profile:string)
This method is used to set the Profile of your client in data analytics, if your applications is a application that uses a profile for each client. The parameter is a String.
- plex.setAnalyticsClientCharacteristics (gender,age)
This method is used to set the characteristics of your client in data analytics, if your applications is a application that uses a chacteristics recognition. There are two parameters of String type. - gender - age
- plex.buildProfileObject(1,1)
This is the method responsible to create an object of profile type. This object has all the attributes according the pre-stablished profile schema, make it compabitible with others phyapps that uses the profile schema.
It takes two parameteres:
- param 1 - type: boolean - verifyFaceAttributes: To include face attributes in your object.
- param 2 - type: boolean - verifyFaceEmotions: To include face emotions in your object.
- plex.buildProfileSchema(1,1)
This is the method responsible to create an schema of profile type. This schema has all the attributes pre-stablished that make it compabitible with others phyapps that uses the same schema.
It takes two parameteres:
- param 1 - type: boolean - verifyFaceAttributes: To include face attributes in your schema.
- param 2 - type: boolean - verifyFaceEmotions: To include face emotions in your schema.
This SDK uses the followings npm packages as dependencies:
- axios
- dotenv
Phygital Experience
The best of both worlds.
Provide memorable experiences, faster assistance and affective memories to your customer, mixing the best of physical and digital worlds.
Provide a Phygital experience.
The digital costumer wants physical experiences to be more intuitive and customized.
everisPlex and plexSDK are trademarks of everis. All rights are reserved.