Everflow is a fully modular framework for VueJS to make code reuse easier.
What is Everflow?
A TypeScript vue.js framework. Built with scalability and modular design in mind.
Getting Started - VueJS Cli
vue create <app-name>
- babel (required)
- Use Babel alongside TypeScript: Yes
- TypeScript (required)
- Use class-style component syntax: Yes
- Router (required)
- Use history mode for router: Your Choice
- Vuex (required)
- CSS Pre Processors (optional) - However recommended.
- Pick a CSS pre-processor: (node-sass)/Your Choice
- Progressive Web App (optional) - However recommended.
- Linter
- Pick a linter|formatter config: Basic/Your Choice
- Pick additional lint features: Lint on save/Your Choice
- Config Files
- Where do you prefer placing config? In dedicated config files
- babel (required)
vue add vue-cli-plugin-everflow
Out-of-Box support
:white_check_mark: i18n - Vue-i18n :white_check_mark: Routes - Vue Router :white_check_mark: Security - CryptoJS :white_check_mark: Modules :white_check_mark: API authorization / JWT Tokens / Requests :white_check_mark: Data Storage :white_check_mark: Build Tools
Super Small Impact
Everflow adds all the features required for an enterprise level application with a very small size impact. For a matter of the fact only ~36KB minified!
Check out the docs and getting started at everflowjs.github.io
Everflow Design Pattern
Check out the recommended Style Conventions
:copyright: License
Everflow ❤ VueJS
Everflow is built for VueJs. We love you VueJs!