Utility for easy events handling
Utility for easy events handling
You can easily install it as a dependency for your project with npm
npm install eventer-js
Using it
Add event listener
First you'll need to import and then create an Eventer main object, you can pass true to the constructor to tell eventer that you want him to extend the default HTMLElement prototype, this is under param to avoid unwanted behaviour and conflicts with other libraries or tools.
import {Eventer} from './lib/Eventer/eventer-js';
var eventer = new Eventer(true);
Then you can access all the four methods exposed by Eventer objects. To bind an event you simply need to call bindEvent this way
eventer.bindEvent( eventName, DOMElement, eventFunction, useCapture );
where eventName is the event name to listen to, DOMElement is the non-live DOM instance of the element (usualy retrived with querySelector) and eventFunction is the callback function to trigger when the event is fired, you can also set useCapture as you do in vanilla js. You can also use the on shorthand with the same parameters
Plus, if you have passed true to the constructor you are able to use the eventerOn method directly on the HTMLElement.
document.querySelector('.bottone').on('click', function() {
// Your awesome code here...
}, true);
Remove event listener
If you need to remove event you can use one of these methods
eventer.unbindEvent( eventName, DOMElement, eventFunction );
eventer.unbindAll( eventName, DOMElement );
eventer.clearAll( DOMElement );
or you may rather use the off event, witch is a shorthand for the above three methods, it will handle their call depending on the params type and number
eventer.off( eventName, DOMElement, eventFunction );
// or
eventer.off( eventName, DOMElement );