an event-gateway package
RabbitMQ Server should be installed and Running.
The module contains a demo folder which has producer, consumer and logger apps.
The producer app is used to publish an event along with the data where it uses the event emitter for publishing and is listened by (event-gateway-psg index.js) which sends it to the RabbitMQ server.
The (event-gateway-psg index.js) is used to receive the event and create an connection with the RabbitMQ server and push the message into the appropriate queue
The consumer app is used to Subscribe an event and uses (event-gateway-psg index.js) to receive the event from the RabbitMQ server ,the (event-gateway-psg index.js) after receiving it emits that event to the consumer app via event emitter.
The logger app is used to log the published and subcribed events.
This package can be used for interacting with various modules through RabbitMQ server.
The producer, consumer and logger app is for understanding and is not part of the package.
The mqconfig Url should be set to the rabbitMq server Url example("amqp://localhost")