A util to parse recurring events scheduled using cron-like syntax. Uses aws cron syntax, with a few additional features including durations, and limits on earliest and latest possible dates for the cron expression
Recuring Events AWS Schedule Expressions Parser
Expanded @aws-cron-parser to support rate expressions, durations, date ranges, and more.
Using aws cron/rate expression syntax, with a few additional features, to schedule recurring events. Supports events with durations, and can pass a time interval into parser that specifies the time range the cron can occur in.
Typescript support.
Syntax: min hr dayOfMonth month dayOfWeek year *duration*
OR rate(value unit, *duration*)
values in ** are optional, can be omitted
Hours: 0-23 Day-of-month: 1-31 Month: 1-12 or JAN-DEC Day-of-week: 1-7 or SUN-SAT
This utility was built to process AWS Cron Expressions used by Amazon CloudWatch. It can support all the specs listed in the link below, including the special wildcards L W and #.
AWS Schedule Expression specs AWS Cron Expression specs AWS Rate Expression specs
npm install event-cron-parser
Methods so far: parse
, next
, range
, isInRange
, desc
, getLocalDays
, setUTCHours
, setDaysOfWeek
, getCron
, validate
will (probably) be added at a later date
throws error when called if the cron is invalid
import EventCronParser from "event-cron-parser";
const duration = 3600000 // in milliseconds
// first we need to parse the cron expression, can also include an earliest possible date and a latest possible date
const cronParser = new EventCronParser(`9 * 7,9,11 5 ? 2020,2022,2024-2099 ${duration}`, new Date(), new Date(Date.now() + 5 * 86400000)) // default tz is 'local', can use setTimezone to change, or pass into constructor, only timezones currently supported are local and utc (default)
// to get the first occurrence that ends after or at the same time as now
let occurrence: Date | null = cronParser.next(new Date());
// use without parameter to get the next occurrence following the previous one,
// or the first possible occurence of the cron expression if next has not been called yet
occurrence = cronParser.next();
// prev not completed yet, not in use
// // and use prev to get the previous occurrence
// occurrence = cronParser.prev();
// and use isInRange to see whether event will occur within given time frame, can pass in either number or date for start and end
const isInRange: boolean = cronParser.isInRange(new Date(), Date.now() + 86400000);
// use range to get dates of all events within range, includes everything that ends after start, and starts before end
const occurences: Date[] = cronParser.range(new Date(), Date.now() + 86400000);
const cronParser2 = new EventCronParser(`0 15 ? * 2,4,6 * 3600000`, new Date(), new Date(Date.now() + 5 * 86400000))
// use desc to get a simple description of the cron
console.log(cronParser.desc()); // default will give description in UTC
// output: 'every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM'
console.log(cronParser.desc('local')); // gives description in local time, day of week depends on first hour and minute given if multiple values are given for hours and minutes in cron
// output: 'every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM'