> **Warning** > Version 1.0.0 is under active development.
Warning Version 1.0.0 is under active development.
A SDK for getting and updating the NFTs created at Evelon.
- Get all the NFTs that you created at Evelon.
- Modify any part of the NFTs like name, image, description etc.
$ npm install evelonsdk
$ yarn add evelonsdk
Once installed, you can use SDK by importing it:
CommonJS / NodeJs Module
const { EvelonSDK } = require("evelonSDK");
ECMAScript 6 Module
import EvelonSDK from "evelonSDK";
Once you imported the SDK you need to create an object for the SDK.
const config = {
apiKey: "test_ev_cd153f49193e693ec0434dcb52a9c5a1560d7e13",
chainId: 1284,
const sdk = new EvelonSDK(config);
After that you can use the object according to your usses. To get all the NFTs:
const data = await sdk.getAllNFTs(
"0x02F4Db4adeA0E1E84e3Ff4901c4Af3DB4Cca2f80" // Enter your address here.
allNFTs: [
tokenId: 0n, // TokenId
name: 'Luffy #1', // Name of NFT
description: 'A Pirate', // Description
image: 'https://evelon.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/22', // URL of image
attributes: [ [Object] ] // Array of objects for the attributes
tokenId: 1n, // tokenId
name: 'Luffy #2', // Name of NFT
description: 'A Pirate', // Description
image: 'https://evelon.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/23', // URL of image
attributes: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] // Array of objects for the attributes
contractAddress: '0x52C28a6138bA4AFA744d301f4d7a15F1284c9468',
contractName: 'EvelonBetaCollection'
To update the metadata of NFTs:
const data = await sdk.modifyNFT({
tokenId: 0, // require
contractAddress: 0x52C28a6138bA4AFA744d301f4d7a15F1284c9468 // require
name: Luffy #3, // Optional
description: "Future pirate King" // Optional
image: "Image URL or the path of image" // Optional
attributes: [{ // Optional
trait_type1: "Power",
value: 7000
This will update the NFT's metadata according to data inserted. You can update the specific part of metadata, for example if you just want to update the name and description of the NFT you need to fill only those value:
const data = await sdk.modifyNFT({
tokenId: 0, // require
name: Luffy #3,
description: "Future pirate King"