NodeJS based support scripts for the EVA iOS SDK
This the repository for the EVA SDK for iOS written in Swift. This library is meant to be installed with the Swift package manager
This SDK provides the following for working with the EVA platform:
- EVA endpoint bootstrap
- EVA service caller
- service definitions
- response typings
Only the Core
service definitions are included in this package.
Additional definitions can be installed depending on the application need.
XCode has native support to install swift packages.
The installation url is the github repository: https://github.com/springtreesolutions/eva-sdk-ios
A release is just a git tag: git tag 1.0.3
The SDK revolves around calling an EvaService
on an EvaEndpoint
An endpoint should be bootstrapped once to have access to the default token and application configuration.
import os
import Combine
import EvaSdkCore
let evaEndpoint = EvaEndpoint(url: "https://api.rituals.test.eva-online.cloud");
let bootstrapPublisher = self.evaEndpoint.bootstrap()
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
os_log("Bootstrap failed: %@", type: .error, "\(error)")
}, receiveValue: { (listApplicationsResponse, getApplicationConfigurationResponse) in
os_log("Bootstrap succes", type: .info)
All services are made available through Codable
This base SDK supplies the Core
import os
import Combine
import EvaSdkCore
// Assuming a bootstrapped endpoint in this example
let loginService = Core.SvcLogin(endpoint: evaEndpoint)
let loginRequest = Core.Login(
EmailAddress: 'USERNAME',
Password: 'SECRET',
OrganizationUnitID: 6
let loginPublisher = loginService.call(
payload: loginRequest
.sink(receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case .finished:
case .failure(let error):
os_log("Login failed: %@", log: evaAppLog, type: .error, "\(error)")
}, receiveValue: { loginResponse in
os_log("Login success: %@", log: evaAppLog, type: .info, "\(loginResponse)")
Building and testing
You can use XCode and enjoy watching the beach-ball of doom a lot or you can build from the CLI using some npm scripts.
Build with npm run build
which assumes a simulator called iPhone 8
to be present or npm run build:generic
You can run the XCTest suite with npm run test
The scripts assume xcbeautify is installed for output formatting.
Updating types
This repository comes with an update script called update-eva-typings.js
which can be run with NodeJS:
npm run eva-typings
Publishing the swift package involves setting some versions in various files and pushing a git tag. An interactive npm script has been made to help with this process:
npm run release