JavaScript TAP test framework
JavaScript TAP test framework highly inspired by tape and AVA.
- Simple: Works in Node and browsers, simply import or require it to use. API is very similar to tape and AVA. 100% test coverage.
- Concurrent: All asynchronous tests are run concurrently. Forces to write isolated from each other test cases that don't share a global state.
- Useful Features: Synchronous and asynchronous tests, support for Promises, before/after/beforeEach/afterEach hooks, clean stacktraces.
import createSuite from 'estap';
const test = createSuite();
test('add', t => {, 2), 3, '1 + 2 === 3');
test('delay promise', t => new Promise(resolve => {
t.pass('setting a timeout');
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
test.cb('delay callback', t => {
t.pass('setting a timeout');
setTimeout(t.end, 1000);
TAP version 13
ok 1 add > 1 + 2 === 3
ok 2 delay promise > setting a timeout
ok 3 delay callback > setting a timeout
# passing 3/3
# ok
- create a test suite that can contain a number of test cases and hooks (before, after, beforeEach and afterEach). Returns a test suite (called test
- create a lock for the shared resource access synchronization (see example below).
test([name, ]fn)
- define a synchronous test case using name (optional) and implementation function (fn
test.cb([name, ]fn)
- define an asynchronous test case using name (optional) and implementation function (fn
test.skip([name, ]fn)
- define a skipped test.
test.only([name, ]fn)
- define the only test(s) that should run, ignore everything else.
and .only
modifiers can be added to test.cb
Hooks are tests that run in the specific order relative to the other tests, they can be synchronous or asynchronous too (i.e use test.before.cb
or return Promise
). Multiple hooks of the same type run in the same order they were defined.
test.before([name, ]fn)
- define a test that runs before all the tests in the suite.
test.after([name, ]fn)
- define a test that runs after all the tests in the suite.
test.beforeEach([name, ]fn)
- define a test that runs before every test in the suite.
test.afterEach([name, ]fn)
- define a test that runs after every test in the suite.
modifier can be added to any hook.
Implementation function
Implementation function defines a body of each test/hook. It can return nothing (synchronous test) or Promise
(asynchronous test). Promise rejection results in the test failure. It's called with the assertion object (t
Assertion object
- set the number of assertions that should run. When reached, ends test asynchronous automatically.
- end asynchronous test. Required only for *.cb()
tests that don't use t.plan()
- passing assertion.[message])
- failing assertion., expected [,message])
- assert that actual === expected
t.not(actual, expected [,message])
- assert that actual !== expected
t.same(actual, expected [,message])
- assert that actual
is strictly deeply equal to expected
t.notSame(actual, expected [,message])
- assert that actual
is not strictly deeply equal to expected
t.truthy(value [,message])
- assert that value
is truthy.
t.falsy(value [,message])
- assert that value
is falsy.
t.true(value [,message])
- assert that value === true
t.false(value [,message])
- assert that value === false
t.throws(fn [,expected] [,message])
- assert that function fn
throws an exception. expected
can be a constructor function for instanceof check (i.e. Error
etc), error message test regex or an array of [constructor, regex]
or [constructor, string]
t.notThrows(fn [,message])
- assert that function fn
does not throw an exception.
- object that is shared between the test and its beforeEach and afterEach hooks.
Each assertion can have an optional message
Everything runs concurrently in the same Node process/browser context. However it's possible to synchronize access to any shared resource using locks.
import { default as createSuite, createLock } from 'estap';
const test = createSuite();
const lock = createLock();
test.beforeEach('setup database', t => {
return lock.acquire()
.then(() => t.pass('resetting database...'));
test.afterEach('release database', lock.release);
Thanks to
@substack for tape, tap-producing test harness for node and browsers, source for many ideas.
@sindresorhus and AVA team for AVA, Futuristic JavaScript test runner, source for many ideas.