Chainable ESModule Loader for mocking module exports
Node.js ESModule Loader for mocking module exports.
This loader will add a _MOCK
named export to each loaded ESModule, which can
be used to mock the rest of its exports. This only works for
ESModules (import
), and does not work for CommonJS (require
) modules.
Warning! This uses experimental Node.js features and flags, whose API will likely change. This may be helpful for development and testing, but should not be used in production.
We'll take some production code which accesses a live filesystem:
// filesystem.js
import { readdirSync } from 'node:fs'
export const getDir = () => {
return readdirSync('.')
// getDir() => ['packge.json', 'tsconfig.json', ...]
// app.js
import { getDir } from './filesystem.js'
export const getFirst = () => {
const files = getDir()
return files[0]
// getFirst() => 'package.json'
Now, we want to test this code in development. We don't want to actually access the filesystem here, so we'll mock the filesystem call:
npm install --save-dev esm-loader-mock-exports
// app.test.js
import assert from 'node:assert'
import { getFirst } from './app.js'
import { _MOCK } from './filesystem.js'
const clear = _MOCK('getDir', () => ['one', 'two'])
assert.equal(getFirst(), 'one')
clear() // clear our single mock above
_MOCK.CLEAR() // alternatively, clear all mocks on this module
If we want to mock the default
export of a module, instead of one of its
named exports, we just use the default
_MOCK('default', () => 'hello world')
By default, all loaded modules will be instrumented with mocking abilities:
# node >= 20.7
cat << EOF > ./register.js
import { register } from 'node:module'
register('esm-loader-mock-exports', import.meta.url)
NODE_OPTIONS="--import ./register.js" node app.test.js
# node < 20.7
NODE_OPTIONS="--loader esm-loader-mock-exports" node app.test.js
This loader can be configured, and chained with other loaders, using node-esm-loader.
Note: This loader should be on the bottom of your chain, so that it runs last.
npm install --save-dev node-esm-loader
// .loaderrc.js
export default {
loaders: ['esm-loader-mock-exports'],
# node >= 20.7
NODE_OPTIONS="--import node-esm-loader/register" node app.test.js
# node < 20.7
NODE_OPTIONS="--loader node-esm-loader" node app.test.js
To only instrument mocks on certain specific modules, you can pass a list of
regular expressions in an includes
option. This can increase speed and
performance, reduce chance of breakage, and reduce any security concerns.
Note: The includes
RegExes will be tested against the final resolved module
name on the filesystem. If you are trying to mock a module named
, and the module resolves to node_modules/common/dist/utils.js
your RegEx will look something like:
// .loaderrc.js
export default {
loaders: [
loader: 'esm-loader-mock-exports',
options: {
includes: [/common\/dist\/utils/],
// .loaderrc.js
export default {
loaders: [
loader: 'esm-loader-mock-exports',
options: {
debug: true,
This loader CANNOT handle the following situations, and will skip them:
Node.js built-in modules (already pre-loaded and not mockable).
Bulk exports from other modules (You may be able to mock a parent module at a higher level to accomplish the same thing):
export * from ...
Class with uninitialized private field declarations:
class BlobDataItem { #path constructor(options) { this.#path = options.path } }
Warning! This loader uses eval
to accomplish adding/clearing mocks.
Make sure this loader is used under development/test, with code/tests/mocks
that you trust. See the includes
option above to restrict which modules are
instrumented with mocking abilities.
This loader will always print a warning about this during startup, as a reminder.
There are other ESModule mocking libraries available, but they all have one or more of these problems:
- Cannot be chained with other loaders.
- Only works for
files, not any others (.ts
, etc.)