pces js code convention
pces js code convention
You'll first need to install ESLint:
$ npm i eslint --save-dev
Next, install eslint-plugin-pces
$ npm install eslint-plugin-pces --save-dev
Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g
flag) then you must also install eslint-plugin-pces
Add pces
to the plugins section of your .eslintrc
configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin-
"plugins": [
Then configure the plugin recommended under the extends section.
"extends": [
all rules are enabled as errors.
but if you want only specific rules, then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.
"rules": {
"pces/rule-name": 2
Supported Rules
"rules": {
"pces/def-func-dec-in-arg": 2
function declaration - fuction testFunct (pVar1, pVar2) {} variables which are input parameters within a function should have 'p' as a starting
"rules": {
"pces/def-func-exp-in-arg": 2
function fxpression - var testFunct = fuction (pVar1, pVar2) {} variables which are input parameters within a function should have 'p' as a starting
"rules": {
"pces/arr-func-exp-in-arg": 2
arrow function expression - var testFunct = (pVar1, pVar2 ...) => {} variables which are input parameters within a function should have 'p' as a starting
"rules": {
"pces/block-body-var": 2
all block scope variable declaration have to start with '_" underscore
"rules": {
"pces/set-state-obj-key-literal": 2
all state object properties keys have to be identifiers setState({ sVar1: val }) and not literals setState({ "sVar1": val })
"rules": {
"pces/init-state-class-prop-key-literal": 2
all state object properties keys have to be identifiers in class propery decalaration state = { sVar1: val } and not literals state = { "sVar1": val }
"rules": {
"pces/init-state-obj-key-literal": 2
all state object properties keys have to be identifiers this.state = { sVar1: val } and not literals this.state = { "sVar1": val }
"rules": {
"pces/set-state-obj-prop-name": 2
State variables should have 's' as a starting - setState({ sVar1: val })
"rules": {
"pces/init-state-obj-prop-name": 2
State variables should have 's' as a starting - this.state = { sVar1: val }
"rules": {
"pces/init-state-class-prop": 2
State variables should have 's' as a starting - state = { sVar1: val }