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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Move and rename files while keeping imports up to date





Move and rename files while keeping imports up to date

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Table of Contents

📣 Summary

  • Move and rename files in bulk.
  • Update all import declarations and require statements in the codebase.
  • Standardise where certain files should be named and located.
  • Automatically move new files to the correct locations.

🌩 Installation

npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-move-files

🤫 Caveats

  • This plugin is in alpha, more testing is needed on real projects.
  • It is best to run this rule on its own to avoid false-positives from plugins such as eslint-plugin-imports while files are being moved but files dependending on them have not yet been updated. This is necessary because the order which rules and files will run is not predictable or guaranteed.

⚖️ Configuration

npm Scripts

It is recommended to run this plugin on its own, before running the other ESLint Rules in your project. In this example you would run npm run lint to achieve this:

  "scripts": {
    "lint:fs": "eslint --fix --config .eslintrc-fs.js --no-inline-config 'src/**/*.js' 'test/**/*.js'",
    "lint:js": "eslint --fix --config .eslintrc.js 'src/**/*.js' 'test/**/*.js'",
    "lint": "npm run lint:fs && npm run lint:js"


These changes relate to the .eslintrc file explained in Configuring ESLint. You will need to ensure 'move-files' is included in the plugins array and that a 'move-files/move-files' property of the rules object is present and matches the structure described below.

  "root": true,
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2019,
    "sourceType": "module"
  "plugins": ["move-files"],
  "rules": {
    "move-files/move-files": [
        "files": {
          // rename a file in-place
          "./src/rename-me.js": "./renamed.js",
          // move a file into a sibling of its current directory
          "./src/server.test.js": "../test/server.js",
          // convert a flat directory of files into module folders
          "./src/services/*.js": "./{name}/index.js",
          // use .jsx extension in all React components
          "./src/components/**/*.js": "./{name}.jsx",
          // locate tests alongside source
          "./test/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{name}.spec.js",
          "./test/*/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{..}/{name}.spec.js",
          "./test/*/*/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{...}/{..}/{name}.spec.js",
          "./test/*/*/*/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{....}/{...}/{..}/{name}.spec.js",
          "./test/*/*/*/*/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{.....}/{....}/{...}/{..}/{name}.spec.js",
          "./test/*/*/*/*/*/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{......}/{.....}/{....}/{...}/{..}/{name}.spec.js",
          "./test/*/*/*/*/*/*/*.js": "{rootDir}/src/{.......}/{......}/{.....}/{....}/{...}/{..}/{name}.spec.js"

files option

files is an object whose keys define the Sources (which files should move) and whose values define the Destinations (where the files should move to).

  • Sources can match multiple files via the use of "Globs".
  • Sources are resolved relative to the process.cwd() root directory of your project.
  • Destinations are resolved relative to each matched source file.
  • Destinations can optionally use tokens such as {name} or {ext} to interpolate values parsed from the Source path.

String Interpolation

Using src/lib/module.spec.js as an example, the following data would be available:

  "rootDir": "/path/to/project",
  "dir": "src/lib",
  "base": "module.spec.js",
  "name": "module",
  "ext": "spec.js",
  "dirs": ["src", "lib"],
  "exts": ["spec", "js"],
  "ancestors": ["lib", "src"]

This dataset can be read using the following tokens. A destination of '{rootDir}/test/{ancestors.0}/{name}.js' for example would move this file to /path/to/project/test/lib/module.js.

| Token | Value | | -------------------------- | ------------------ | | {rootDir} | /path/to/project | | {dir} | src/lib | | {base} or {.} | module.spec.js | | {name} | module | | {ext} | spec.js | | {dirs.0} | src | | {dirs.1} | lib | | {exts.0} | spec | | {exts.1} | js | | {ancestors.0} or {..} | lib | | {ancestors.1} or {...} | src |

🤔 Target Problem

Moving files with increased confidence

Moving and renaming files in a large codebase can be time-consuming and error-prone due to:

  • The large number of files to search for and edit import declarations in.
  • The high probability of conflicts as you git merge from master.
  • The high probability of conflicts in other branches once yours is merged.

Maintaining a standard file structure

Imagine that you want to migrate your codebase from being organised by role to be organised by feature. Once you've done the work of moving everything into the new structure, you want Contributors to follow the new approach rather than the old, and you want it to be easy to fix if they don't.

Organised by Role

├── fixtures
│   └── billing.js
├── resolvers
│   └── billing.js
└── schema
    └── billing.js

Organised by Feature

└── billing
    ├── fixtures.js
    ├── resolvers.js
    └── schema.js

🙋🏿‍♀️ Getting Help

Get help with issues by creating a Bug Report or discuss ideas by opening a Feature Request.

👀 Other Projects

If you find my Open Source projects useful, please share them ❤️

🤓 Author

I'm Jamie Mason from Leeds in England, I began Web Design and Development in 1999 and have been Contracting and offering Consultancy as Fold Left Ltd since 2012. Who I've worked with includes Sky Sports, Sky Bet, Sky Poker, The Premier League, William Hill, Shell, Betfair, and Football Clubs including Leeds United, Spurs, West Ham, Arsenal, and more.

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