Thomas Clark's preferred eslint configuration
Thomas Clark's preferred eslint configuration
This config uses the following plugins:
- @typescript-eslint: Eslint rules for typescript.
- JSDocs: Require high quality, standards-conforming jsdoc comments for all your functions and classes.
- Promise: Enforce good error-catching practices when using promises
- Radar: Looks out for problematic coding practices
- No Secret: Watches for any values that appear like they may be secrets such as API keys
- Prefer Arrow: Arrow functions are preferred over the use of the
keyword. Functions that use thethis
keyword are exceptions. - Compat: Warns you when you use code that is not supported by your list of browsers to support.
- Const Case: Lets you configure preferred naming schemes for variables that store constant static values.
- Prettier: Disables code style rules that could create discrepancies with prettier.
- FP: Help enforce good functional programming code styles
This eslint config extends the airbnb 'base' config and its corresponding typescript extension and also has its own rules: These are some of the most notable rules used in this configuration:
- Quotes: Double quotes. Exceptions are allowed for backticks when using template strings. Single quotes can also be used if the string contains double quotes within it.
- Indent: Tab indentation.
- Semicolon: Must always use semicolon and end of lines.
- No Warning Comments: "Warning" comments that begin with either
will throw warnings. This helps remind you of work you need to finish. - No Mutating Methods: Methods of arrays or objects that perform mutations will trigger warnings
- Const Case - Uppercase: Variables that refer to static values and do not change must be named in all uppercase.
ESLint Setup
If you have already setup eslint, skip to step 4.
1. Install Package
yarn add --dev eslint
2. Setup Initial ESLint
yarn run eslint --init
Select the most minimal setup option
3. Setup Prettier Config
Create a file name .prettierrc
and copy the following into it:
"singleQuote": false,
"useTabs": true
4. Install Config Package (with Peer Dependencies):
npx install peer-deps --yarn --dev eslint-config-thomas-clark
5. Extend config:
Inside eslint config:
extends: [
.../* any lower priority extended configs here */,
.../* any higher priority extended configs here */
Note: If you have any other configs with a higher priority than this one, then you should add "prettier"
as the highest priority config. This config already includes the prettier extension, however it will be overridden by any higher priority configs and as such should be added independently at the end in that situation to make sure any conflicts between eslint and prettier are avoided.
6. Point to TS Config
Add this to the root level of your eslint config file:
overrides: [
files: ['*.ts', '*.tsx'],
parserOptions: {
project: ['./tsconfig.json'],
7. Browserlist
To make use of the compat
eslint plugin you must fill out the "browserlist"
key in your package.json
. or in their own file. Instructions here.
You can also disable compat
by adding this to your rules:
'compat/compat': 'off',
8. (Optional) Extra Configuration:
These are some changes you may want to make to the rules. Add these inside the "rules" section of eslint config.
No React In Scope (Required if using NextJS)
'react/react-in-jsx-scope': 'off',
Disable jsdoc requirement:
'jsdoc/require-jsdoc': 'off'
Allow Mutating Methods
'fp/no-mutating-methods': 'off'
Change to Single Quotes
quotes: ['error', 'single']
Disable Static const Naming Scheme
'const-case/uppercase': 'off'