<p align="center"> <img width="500px" src=""/> </p>
ESLint and Prettier setup for VS Code
A set of awesome ESLint + Prettier configs. Makes it easier to work with React, NextJS, Node apps.
This package is intended for use with VS Code, however, can be easily used with any text editors.
First installation will take you only a couple of minute, every subsequent should not take more than a minute.
You can install the package 2.a) in repo of the project which will apply the linting only to the project and not other files on your computer or 2.b) on your computer which will apply the linting to all files with the included file extensions on your computer.
Below are the steps to install (click on the step to open the instructions).
- Install ESLint extension
- Add below snippet to your User settings:
First try (
⌘Cmd + ,
orCtrl + ,
) → type insettings.json
file → click onEdit in settings.json
. If that doesn't work the file is located in$/Code/User/settings.json
// ...
// Run formatter when you save code changes
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
// Disable default formatting (ESLint formatting will be used instead)
"[javascript]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false
"[javascriptreact]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": false
// Auto-fix issues with ESLint when you save code changes
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
// Prevent double-formatting and potential ESLint <> Prettier conflicts (ESLint formatting will be used instead)
"prettier.disableLanguages": [
- Install @ijsto/eslint-config:
this command will auto-detect if you are using yarn by default and prompt you to confirm before proceeding.
npx install-peerdeps --dev @ijsto/eslint-config
- Create an
file in the root of your project's directory. Paste in the following:
"extends": "@ijsto"
You're done!
ESLint will run each time you save your file changes.
How to Uninstall
This command will uninstall the @eslint-config and all related devDependencies locally (from the project)
If you have installed any of the eslint-config or eslint-plugin packages separately, don't forgot to remove it from the list.
yarn remove @ijsto/eslint-config babel-eslint eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-html eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks prettier
npm --global @ijsto/eslint-config babel-eslint eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-html eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks prettier
If you would like to install the config computer-wide (globally) and not on each project, follow the below steps.
- Install @ijsto/eslint-config:
this command will auto-detect if you are using yarn by default and prompt you to confirm before proceeding.
npx install-peerdeps --global @ijsto/eslint-config
- Create a global
file on your computer:
- MacOS location:
- Windows location:
Paste in the follow to newly created .eslintrc
"extends": "@ijsto"
How to Uninstall
This command will uninstall the @eslint-config and all related devDependencies globally (from your computer)
If you have installed any of the eslint-config or eslint-plugin packages separately, don't forgot to remove it from the list.
yarn global remove @ijsto/eslint-config babel-eslint eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-html eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks prettier
npm remove --global @ijsto/eslint-config babel-eslint eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-html eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-react-hooks prettier
That's all.
Did this package help you? Give it a ★ and share with your friends! 🙂
PRs, feature requests or suggestions are most welcome!