Citron's definition of beauty
Eslint config Citron
Citron definition of beauty.
You will suffer, you will hate, but at the end you will pray the norm.
Patere legem quam ipse fecisti
Why impose a standard?
A programming standard is a game changer for long term project with multiple developers for two main reasons :
- It format and standardise the code so that anyone can read and understand easily and rapidly.
- It guide you in writing short and simple code.
How apply a standard?
The most important thing, no matter what your preferred javascript style is, is to be consistent when working with a team or a large codebase that will have to be maintained in the future.
Understand each rules and not try to hack them. Theses conventions are set to push you to write cleaner code.
These rules are not cast in stone, question them, discuss them around you, this is the best way to understand and improve this standard.
Getting started
Setup EsLint
First install eslint and eslint-config-citron
npm i -D eslint eslint-config-citron
Then create your
and extend witheslint-config-citron
{ "env": { "es2021": true, // If front (javascript) "browser": true, // If back (nodejs) "node": true }, "extends": ["eslint-config-citron"] }
For more information on eslint config see
Setup Prettier
- First install prettier dependency
npm i -D --save-exact prettier
- Then create your
with this configuration :{ "trailingComma": "all", "tabWidth": 2, "useTabs": false, "semi": true, "singleQuote": true, "printWidth": 80 }
- Add prettier to your IDE
Code styling rules
Citron config
Citron has its own configuration which can be found here :
This configuration is based on 3 majors standards :
Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
TypeScript ESLint
With theses two sets of rules :
Prettier · Opinionated Code Formatter
We recommend to have looked to theses code styling rules.
Citron rules
Maximum number of lines per file set to 150. Keep the code readable, force to split and organise your code
Maximum number of lines per function set to 25. You will hate it Keep the code readable, force to split and organise your code
Maximum block depth set to 4. Keep the code readable
// Bad function foo() { for (;;) { // Nested 1 deep while (true) { // Nested 2 deep if (true) { // Nested 3 deep if (true) { // Nested 4 deep if (true) { // Nested 5 deep } } } } } } // Good function foo() { for (;;) { // Nested 1 deep while (true) { // Nested 2 deep if (true) { // Nested 3 deep if (true) { // Nested 4 deep } } } } }
Maximum number of parameters allowed in function definitions set to 3. Keep the code readable
// Bad (4 params) function foo(bar, baz, qux, qxx) { doSomething(); } // Good (3 params) function foo(bar, baz, qux) { doSomething(); }
Maximum depth that callbacks set to 3. Keep the code readable
// Bad foo1(function () { foo2(function () { foo3(function () { foo4(function () { // Do something }); }); }); }); // Good foo1(function () { foo2(function () { foo3(function () { // Do something }); }); });
Maximum cyclomatic complexity set to 10. Cyclomatic complexity is the number of decisions or path an algorithm can make.
Reducing code complexity.
// Bad function a(x) { if (x === 1) { return x; } else if (x === 2) { return x - 1; } else if (x === 3) { return x - 23; } else if (x === 4) { return x + 9; } else if (x === 5) { return x + 42; } else if (x === 6) { return x + 42; } else if (x === 7) { return x + 42; } else if (x === 8) { return x + 42; } else if (x === 9) { return x + 42; } else if (x === 10) { return x + 42; } else { return 4; // 11 path } } // Good function a(x) { if (x === 1) { return x; } else if (x === 2) { return x - 1; } else if (x === 3) { return x - 23; } else if (x === 4) { return x + 9; } else { return 4; // 5 path } }
Omit the file extension only for typescript files (.ts
To avoid confusion on import.
- Example
Given the following folder structure:
The import statement will be :├── user │ ├── user.model.ts │ ├── user.database.json
import { User } from './user/user.model'; import users from './user/user.database.json';
Only named export are accepted. Name are consistent throughout all files.
// Bad const foo = 'bar'; export default foo; // Good export const foo = 'bar';
This rule doesn't allow any types to be defined. Using the any type defeats the purpose of using TypeScript.
// Bad const toto: any = 'toto'; // Good const toto: string = 'toto';
Disabled rules
no-restricted-syntax This rule only apply on
@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises This rule only apply on
Can be dangerous, force to usePromise.All
on too large - Only for functions
For more clarity, allow use of function before definition.In a file, where a function or a class is export who use others functions define in this file but not exported, those unexported functions can be define after the exported one for more clarity so when the file is open, the main exported function/class is shown in first.
Allows dependency injections into classes with empty constructors.
- Eslint - Linter used
- Citron eslint config - Citron Github repository with all the config
- JavaScript Style Guide - A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript By Harrison Shoff of AirBnb