A flexible npm package for integrating eSewa payments.
ESewa Integration server pakage
A Node.js package for integrating with the eSewa payment gateway. This package provides an easy way to handle payment success and failure notifications.
To install the package, run:
npm install esewa-integration-server
initialize Integration
To set up the integration, use the following code:
const EsewaIntegration = require("esewa-integration-server");
// Initialize with custom configuration
const esewa = new EsewaIntegration({
secretKey: process.env.ESEWA_SECRET_KEY || "your-esewa-secret-key", // Your eSewa secret key
successUrl: "", // URL to handle successful payments
failureUrl: "", // URL to handle failed payments
you can also change the methods to set cookies, the cookie set are used to track payment when the transaction fails :
const esewa = new EsewaIntegration({
secretKey: process.env.ESEWA_SECRET_KEY || "your-esewa-secret-key",
successUrl: "",
failureUrl: "",
sameSite: "strict",
secure: "true",
Get Your Secret Key
You can get your secret key for testing at "" Initiate Payment
To intitate payment
.get("/esewa/initiate", async (req, res) => {
const { total_amount } = req.query; // You can also send these details in req.body
const uuid=somerandomuuid1231 //uuid generate an unique uuid
total_amount, // Total amount to be paid (required)
transactionUUID: uuid, // Unique transaction identifier (required)
amount: total_amount, // Amount being passed (required)
productCode: "EPAYTEST", // Product code (optional)
//theother optional feilds
// productDeliveryCharge = 0,
// productServiceCharge = 0,
// taxAmount = 0,
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error saving order:", error.message);
res.status(500).json({ error: "Failed to save order." });
if you are using react at frontend
you should do implement function that uses the html file you get as response,then,document.write and document.close to redirect to esewa payment gateaway
import React, { useState } from "react";
export default function YourFunction() {
const [amt, setAmt] = useState("");
const initiatePayment = async (e) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(
method: "GET", // Adjust the method if necessary
credentials: "include",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
//you can also send the amt and other feilds in req.body its your choice but adjust according in your backend too
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Network response was not ok");
const html = await response.text(); // the response from esewa.initatePayment() is an html file;
} catch (error) {
// Handle error
console.error("Error initiating payment:", error);
return (
{/*don't copy all these brother, this is my bs example react component */}
onChange={(e) => setAmt(}
placeholder="Enter amount"
<button onClick={initiatePayment}>Initiate Payment</button>
Handle Payment Success
Define the endpoint for handling successful payments:
app.get("/payment/success", esewa.processPaymentSuccess, async (req, res) => {
try {
const { transaction_uuid, amount, ...otherFields } = req.params; // Use req.params for GET parameters
// Prepare the redirect URL and optional message properties
const redirectUrl = "";
const messageProps = {
paymentSuccess: "Yay!",
thanks: "Thank you for your order!",
// Redirect the client to the specified URL with message properties
esewa.redirectToClientSite(res, redirectUrl, messageProps);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error handling payment success:", error.message);
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal Server Error" });
Handle Payment Failure
Define the endpoint for handling failed payments:
app.get("/payment/failure", esewa.processPaymentFailure, async (req, res) => {
try {
const redirectUrl = ""; // set at url page you want your clent to get when payment fails
const messageProps = {
paymentFailed: "Oops!",
sorry: "Sorry, your payment failed.",
// Retrieve the transaction UUID from the request object it is set by esewa.processPaymentFailure middleware
// Redirect the client to the specified URL with message properties
esewa.redirectToClientSite(res, redirectUrl, messageProps);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error handling payment failure:", error.message);
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal Server Error" });
Additional Notes
Details of Methods Initialization Class
const esewa = new EsewaIntegration({
secretKey: process.env.ESEWA_SECRET_KEY || "your-esewa-secret-key",
successUrl: "",
failureUrl: "",
This class has the following methods:
esewa.processPaymentSuccess; //Used as middleware in your success route, it attaches the response from eSewa when the success URL is hit to req.params.
esewa.processPaymentFailure; // Handles payment failure.meant to be used as url
esewa.redirectToClientSite(); // Redirects to the client site with message properties
esewa.initiatePayment(); //sends an html file to the client that self submits to esewa but on some frontend frame works you may have to manually open the html file
Important Considerations
Make sure to implement appropriate error handling. Update the success and failure URLs as needed for your production environment. Consider implementing logging for better traceability of issues.
This package is licensed under the MIT License. About