Enhance CLI interfaces with easy-to-use ANSI styling and cursor utilities.
A Node.js package providing an extensive collection of ANSI escape codes for enhanced command-line interface (CLI) styling and interaction. It allows for sophisticated text formatting, color manipulation, cursor control, and provides utilities for reading and writing in terminal applications.
- ANSI Escape Codes: Constants for text formatting, cursor movement, color setting, and more.
- Control Keys: Key codes for common control characters and actions.
- Text Formatting: Methods for styling CLI output with bold, italic, underline, blinking text, etc.
- Cursor Control: Functions to manipulate the cursor position in the terminal.
- Color Codes: Easy-to-use foreground and background color settings.
- ASCII Control Characters: Mapped ASCII control characters for various control actions.
- CLI Interaction: Utilities for synchronous and asynchronous terminal I/O operations.
To install Escape Codes, run the following command in your project directory:
npm install escape-codes
After installation, import the module into your project to access its functionalities:
import { ansi, ascii, cli } from 'escape-codes';
Then use the codes to control and format the terminal.
cli.write([, "Hello, Blue!", ansi.format.reset])
cli.write(`${ansi.format.bold}I am bold!${ansi.format.reset}`)
Or read input from the terminal., stop) => {
switch (stroke) {
case ansi.key.exit:
case ansi.key.enter:
stop() // stop reading key strokes
if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9 .,!?;:'"()-]*$/.test(stroke)) {
console.log(`You pressed: ${stroke}`)
Below is the detailed API documentation for the Escape Codes package:
ANSI Codes
ANSI escape codes for various CLI styling and control:
| Property | Description |
| ansi.key
| Key codes for control actions. |
| ansi.format
| Formatting codes for text styling. |
| ansi.cursor
| Cursor control codes. |
| ansi.foreground
| Foreground color codes. |
| ansi.background
| Background color codes. |
Control Keys
| Key | Code | Description |
| tab
| "\x09"
| Horizontal Tab |
| enter
| "\x0D"
| Carriage Return (Enter) |
| escape
| "\x1B"
| Escape character |
| backspace
| "\x7F"
| Backspace character |
| delete
| "\u001b[3~"
| Delete character |
| exit
| "\x03"
| Exit character (Ctrl+C) |
| up
| "\x1B[A"
| Arrow Up |
| down
| "\x1B[B"
| Arrow Down |
| right
| "\x1B[C"
| Arrow Right |
| left
| "\x1B[D"
| Arrow Left |
Formatting Codes
Usage: ansi.format.reset
| Style | Code | Description |
| reset
| "\x1b[0m"
| Reset all styles to default |
| bold
| "\x1b[1m"
| Bold text |
| faint
| "\x1b[2m"
| Fainter text |
| italic
| "\x1b[3m"
| Italic text |
| underline
| "\x1b[4m"
| Underlined text |
| blink
| "\x1b[5m"
| Slow Blink |
| rapid
| "\x1b[6m"
| Rapid Blink (not widely supported) |
| reverse
| "\x1b[7m"
| Swap foreground and background colors |
| conceal
| "\x1b[8m"
| Conceal text (not widely supported) |
| strike
| "\x1b[9m"
| Strikethrough text |
Cursor Control Codes
Usage: ansi.cursor.up(3)
| Action | Code | Description |
| up
| (n = 1) => "\x1b[${n}A"
| Move cursor up by 'n' rows |
| down
| (n = 1) => "\x1b[${n}B"
| Move cursor down by 'n' rows |
| right
| (n = 1) => "\x1b[${n}C"
| Move cursor right by 'n' columns |
| left
| (n = 1) => "\x1b[${n}D"
| Move cursor left by 'n' columns |
| move
| (n, m) => "\x1b[${n};${m}H"
| Move cursor to row 'n', column 'm' |
| save
| "\x1b[s"
| Save the current cursor position |
| restore
| "\x1b[u"
| Restore the saved cursor position |
| show
| "\x1b[?25h"
| Show the cursor |
| hide
| "\x1b[?25l"
| Hide the cursor |
Foreground Color Codes
| Property | Code | Description |
| default
| "\x1b[39m"
| Default foreground color |
| black
| "\x1b[30m"
| Black text color |
| red
| "\x1b[31m"
| Red text color |
| green
| "\x1b[32m"
| Green text color |
| yellow
| "\x1b[33m"
| Yellow text color |
| blue
| "\x1b[34m"
| Blue text color |
| magenta
| "\x1b[35m"
| Magenta text color |
| cyan
| "\x1b[36m"
| Cyan text color |
| white
| "\x1b[37m"
| White text color |
| brightBlack
| "\x1b[90m"
| Bright black text color |
| brightRed
| "\x1b[91m"
| Bright red text color |
| brightGreen
| "\x1b[92m"
| Bright green text color |
| brightYellow
| "\x1b[93m"
| Bright yellow text color |
| brightBlue
| "\x1b[94m"
| Bright blue text color |
| brightMagenta
| "\x1b[95m"
| Bright magenta text color|
| brightCyan
| "\x1b[96m"
| Bright cyan text color |
| brightWhite
| "\x1b[97m"
| Bright white text color |
Background Color Codes
| Property | Code | Description |
| default
| "\x1b[49m"
| Default background color |
| black
| "\x1b[40m"
| Black background color |
| red
| "\x1b[41m"
| Red background color |
| green
| "\x1b[42m"
| Green background color |
| yellow
| "\x1b[43m"
| Yellow background color |
| blue
| "\x1b[44m"
| Blue background color |
| magenta
| "\x1b[45m"
| Magenta background color |
| cyan
| "\x1b[46m"
| Cyan background color |
| white
| "\x1b[47m"
| White background color |
| brightBlack
| "\x1b[100m"
| Bright black background color |
| brightRed
| "\x1b[101m"
| Bright red background color |
| brightGreen
| "\x1b[102m"
| Bright green background color |
| brightYellow
| "\x1b[103m"
| Bright yellow background color |
| brightBlue
| "\x1b[104m"
| Bright blue background color |
| brightMagenta
| "\x1b[105m"
| Bright magenta background color|
| brightCyan
| "\x1b[106m"
| Bright cyan background color |
| brightWhite
| "\x1b[107m"
| Bright white background color |
ASCII Control Characters
Usage: ascii.ctrlA
(note the ascii
instead of ansi
| Property | Code | ASCII Character | Description |
| ctrlA
| "\x01"
| Start of Header (SOH) | Marks the start of a header. |
| ctrlB
| "\x02"
| Start of Text (STX) | Marks the start of the text intended for processing. |
| ctrlC
| "\x03"
| End of Text (ETX) | Marks the break or end of the text. |
| ctrlD
| "\x04"
| End of Transmission (EOT) | Indicates the end of transmission of data. |
| ctrlE
| "\x05"
| Enquiry (ENQ) | Requests an answer from a remote station. |
| ctrlF
| "\x06"
| Acknowledge (ACK) | Acknowledges receipt of a message. |
| ctrlG
| "\x07"
| Bell (BEL) | Triggers an alert or bell signal. |
| ctrlH
| "\x08"
| Backspace (BS) | Moves the cursor one position backwards. |
| ctrlI
| "\x09"
| Horizontal Tab (HT) | Moves the cursor to the next horizontal tab stop. |
| ctrlJ
| "\x0A"
| Line Feed (LF) | Moves the cursor to the next line. |
| ctrlK
| "\x0B"
| Vertical Tab (VT) | Moves the cursor to the next vertical tab stop. |
| ctrlL
| "\x0C"
| Form Feed (FF) | Moves to the next form or page. |
| ctrlM
| "\x0D"
| Carriage Return (CR) | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. |
| ctrlN
| "\x0E"
| Shift Out / X-On (SO) | Activates the transmission of control characters. |
| ctrlO
| "\x0F"
| Shift In / X-Off (SI) | Deactivates the transmission of control characters. |
| ctrlP
| "\x10"
| Data Link Escape (DLE)| Signals a change in the meaning of the following characters. |
| ctrlQ
| "\x11"
| Device Control 1 (DC1) | Often used as XON for software flow control. |
| ctrlR
| "\x12"
| Device Control 2 (DC2) | Device-specific control function. |
| ctrlS
| "\x13"
| Device Control 3 (DC3) | Often used as XOFF for software flow control. |
| ctrlT
| "\x14"
| Device Control 4 (DC4) | Device-specific control function. |
| ctrlU
| "\x15"
| Negative Acknowledge (NAK)| Indicates that data was received incorrectly. |
| ctrlV
| "\x16"
| Synchronous Idle (SYN) | Used to maintain timing for synchronous transmission. |
| ctrlW
| "\x17"
| End of Transmission Block (ETB) | Marks the end of a block of data for transmission. |
| ctrlX
| "\x18"
| Cancel (CAN) | Indicates that the data preceding it is in error. |
| ctrlY
| "\x19"
| End of Medium (EM) | Indicates the logical end of the medium. |
| ctrlZ
| "\x1A"
| Substitute (SUB) | A placeholder character used to replace a character considered to be erroneous or corrupt. |
CLI Interaction
Utility functions for terminal I/O operations:
Writes data to the standard output.
cli.write(data: string | string[]);
Reads input from the standard input, character by character. (data: string, stop: () => void) => void);
Asynchronously captures a single line of input from the standard input.
async cli.input(): Promise<string>;
We welcome contributions from the community. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For questions, issues, or feature requests, please submit an issue on the GitHub repository.