The Fundamental Utilities for ECMAScript.
The Fundamental Utilities for ECMAScript.
- Missing utility functions for ECMAScript
- Random numbers/bytes...
- CRC-32
- Most basic general utility classes for various applications
- Base64 encode/decode
- UTF-8 string encode/decode
- Hex string encode/decode
- ...
// where
declare const firstAid: FirstAid;
interface Iterable<T> {
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<T>;
type BufferSource = ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView;
type MaybePromise<T> = Promise<T> | T;
interface PromiseComposition<T> extends Promise<Iterable<T>> {
promises: Promise<T>[];
[Symbol.iterator]: () => IterableIterator<T>;
results: () => Promise<T[]>;
rejections: () => Promise<any[]>;
fulfilled: <returnType>(callback: (result: T) => returnType) => PromiseComposition<returnType>;
rejected: <returnType>(callback: (reason: any) => returnType) => PromiseComposition<returnType>;
interface SymbolObject {
symbol: symbol;
interface FirstAid {
VERSION: string;
firstAid: FirstAid;
constructor: new () => FirstAid;
PromiseComposition: new <T>(... promises: MaybePromise<T>[]) => PromiseComposition<T>;
// TypedArray constructor. (This is abstract; you cannot instantiate this.)
TypedArray: Function;
// Returns true if the passed value is a TypedArray.
isTypedArray: (value: any) => boolean;
// -0.
MINUS_ZERO: number;
// Creates a new null-prototype object.
createNullPrototypeObject: () => {};
// Wraps an object in a read-only Proxy.
createReadOnlyProxy: <T>(obj: T) => T;
// Returns true if the function throws.
checkForError: (f: () => void) => boolean;
// Returns true if the passed object is a revoked Proxy.
// This function is no longer always-reliable due to changes made to ECMAScript specs.
isRevokedProxy: (value: any) => boolean;
// Returns true if the passed object has a valid [[Construct]] slot.
isConstructor: (value: any) => boolean;
// Converts a value into a 32-bit signed integer.
toInt32: (value: any) => number;
// Returns true if the passed value is a 32-bit signed integer.
isInt32: (value: any) => boolean;
// Tries to convert a value into an integer.
toInt: (value: any) => number;
// Returns true if the passed value is a valid safe integer in ECMAScript.
isInt: (value: any) => boolean;
// Returns true if the passed value is null.
isNull: (value: any) => boolean;
// Returns true if the passed value is an object. (This includes functions but not null.)
isObject: (value: any) => boolean;
// Returns true if the passed value is a valid property key (string or symbol).
isPropertyKey: (value: any) => boolean;
// Returns Unicode code points of the given string.
getCodePoints: (str: string) => Iterable<number>;
// Encodes a string into UTF-8 bytes.
encodeString: (str: string) => Uint8Array;
// Decodes a string from UTF-8 bytes.
decodeString: (utf8Bytes: BufferSource) => string;
// Converts a buffer or view into a Uint8Array.
toUint8Array: (buffer: BufferSource) => Uint8Array;
// Get a copied ArrayBuffer from BufferSource.
getCopyBuffer: (buffer: BufferSource) => ArrayBuffer;
// Encodes bytes into a hex string.
encodeHex: (buffer: BufferSource) => string;
// Decodes a hex string.
decodeHex: (hexString: string) => Uint8Array;
// Encodes bytes into Base-64 encoded string.
encodeBase64: (buffer: BufferSource) => string;
// Decodes a Base-64 encoded string.
decodeBase64: (base64String: string) => Uint8Array;
// Calculates a CRC-32 check sum of the given buffer. (Signed 32-bit integer)
crc32: (buffer: BufferSource) => number;
// Get the CRC-32 sum as a Uint8Array.
crc32Bytes: (buffer: BufferSource) => Uint8Array;
// Fills the given buffer with Math.random() values.
randomFillInsecure: (buffer: BufferSource) => Uint8Array;
// Fills the given buffer with secure random values.
// Currently, Node.JS, Web, and Deno is supported.
randomFill: (buffer: BufferSource) => Uint8Array;
// Returns a random number in [0, 1) range.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
random: (isInsecure?: boolean) => number;
// Returns a random number in (0, 1] range.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
randomNonZero: (isInsecure?: boolean) => number;
// Returns a standard normal random number.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
randomNormal: (isInsecure?: boolean) => number;
// Returns a standard exponential random number.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
randomExponential: (isInsecure?: boolean) => number;
// Returns a Xenakis random number.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
randomXenakis: (isInsecure?: boolean) => number;
// Returns true in the given probability.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
randomProb: (prob: number, isInsecure?: boolean) => boolean;
// Generates a version-4 UUID string from the given buffer.
getUuidFromBytes: (arr: BufferSource) => string;
// Generates a random version-4 UUID string.
// Uses Math.random() if isInsecure is true.
getRandomUuid: (isInsecure?: boolean) => string;
// Returns true if the given value is a valid UUID string.
validateUuid: (uuid: string) => boolean;
// Calls the given function in an asynchronous manner.
callAsync: <argumentType, returnType>(callback: (... argumentsList: argumentType[]) => MaybePromise<returnType>, thisArgument: any, ... argumentList: argumentType[]) => Promise<returnType>;
// Converts any value into a Promise.
toPromise: <T>(value: MaybePromise<T>) => Promise<T>;
// Returns a current Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
getTime: () => number;
// Encodes an object into JSON bytes.
encodeJson: (value: any) => Uint8Array;
// Decodes an object from JSON bytes.
decodeJson: (bytes: BufferSource) => any;
// Throws an error if assertion is false
assert: (assertion: boolean, message?: string) => void;
// Returns the passed object as a constructor.
IdentityConstructor: new <T>(obj: T) => T;
// Creates an object for a symbol.
SymbolObject: new (symbol: symbol | SymbolObject) => SymbolObject;
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Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.