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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

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© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




**write modular, composable, OOP-style stores for Redux and/or React's hooks** **Erudx** (*= redux anagram = **Eru**dite re**d**u**x***) is a library meant to be used together with Redux or React's hooks to handle state in JavaScript apps. It helps yo





write modular, composable, OOP-style stores for Redux and/or React's hooks
Erudx (= redux anagram = Erudite redux) is a library meant to be used together with Redux or React's hooks to handle state in JavaScript apps.
It helps you write modular and composable stores, using everything you know about OOP.
You can concentrate on writting classes and let Erudx generate the reducers, handle "immutability", name actions, etc...
In some cases it also eliminates the need for libraries such as redux-saga, redux-thunk, etc...
This library has no dependencies and is lightweight. It's available on npm: npm install erudx


Erudx is still at an early stage and is NOT ready for production. The API will probably change a lot
Contibutions are welcome! It can be as simple as suggestions for better naming of methods and decorators.

Table of contents


You can find more examples here.
You should be familiar with Redux before trying to use this library.
Erudx is using decorators so you will need a transpiler or use Typescript for instance.
If you have not heard of decorators you should probably learn about it.
A version without decorators might be introduced later.

What follow is more a guide than a documentation.
There is no "documentation" yet but the library was written with Typescript so you get type hinting.

Basic usage

For a basic usage you will need only two decorators:

  • @action to mark mutating methods. Those methods will be replaced by a generated function calling dispatch.
    Those mutating methods must return void, because the substitute method will return void anyway.
  • @store a class decorator that will generate a reducer for the class.
    The generated reducer will clone the store instance, apply the mutating method to the new store, then return it.

Here is a simple counter example with React, using hooks :

import * as React from "react";
import { store, action, props } from "erudx";
import { useStore } from "erudx/hooks";
import "./counter-style.css"

class CounterStore {
	counter: number = 0;

	constructor(x) {
		this.counter = x;

	increment() {

	decrement() {

const Counter = ({ counter, increment, decrement }) => {
	return (
		<div class="counter-container">
			<h1 class="counter-number">{counter}</h1>
			<div class="counter-actions">
				<button class="plus" onClick={decrement}>-</button>
				<button class="minus" onClick={increment}>+</button>

const CounterApp = () => {
	let counter = useStore(new CounterStore(0));
	return <Counter {...props(counter)} />;

export default CounterApp;

Lets start the explanation at CounterApp.
First we use hooks to handle the state of our app.
useStore is a simple wrapper function around useReducer:

const dispatch = Symbol("dispatch");
const reducer = Symbol("reducer");
function useStore<Store extends object>(initValue: Store): Store {
	let [state, disp] = useReducer(initValue.constructor[reducer], initValue);
	define(state, dispatch, disp);
	return state as Store;

First we call useReducer is we provide it a reducer and a initial value.
initValue.constructor[reducer] is a reducer generated by @store for the class.
The store itself is the default value.

define(state, dispatch, disp) will simply add a hidden property using Object.defineProperty.
The dispatcher is then available at this[dispatch].
Note that the dispatch Symbol is internal to the library, and not exported.

Then, when you call counter.increment(), it will call a substitute method equivalent to:

function increment(...params) {
	this[dispatch]({ type: "increment", payload: [...params] });

This will call React's (or Redux's) dispatch function which, in turn, will call initValue.constructor[reducer]. This generated reducer is roughly equivalent to:

	const actions = {
		// Only methods of CounterStore marked by @action
		"increment": CounterStore.prototype.increment,
		"decrement": CounterStore.prototype.decrement,

	function reducer(state, action) {
		let type = action.type;
		if(actions[type]) {
			let newState = clone(state);
			actions[type].apply(newState, action.payload);
			return newState;
		} else {
			return state;

The props function return an object containing the store's properties and its methods, bound to the instance. Its roughly equivalent to:

function props(store) {
	let obj = {};
	let proto = store.constructor.prototype;
	for(let methodName in proto) {
		obj[methodName] = proto[methodName].bind(store);
	return obj;


Since a store class is just a normal class with a few generated methods, you can use inheritence. Note however, that you need to use @store again on the Child class to generate the reducer.

const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));

class AdvancedCounterStore extends CounterStore {
	constructor(x) {

	multiply(factor: number) {
		this.counter = this.counter * factor;

	abs() {
		return Math.abs(this.counter);

	async delayedIncrement() {
		await sleep(1000);

const AdvancedCounterApp = () => {
	let counter = useStore(new AdvancedCounterStore(0));
	return <div>
		<button onClick={() => counter.multiply(-1)}>*-1</button>
		<button onClick={counter.delayedIncrement.bind(counter)}>zZZZz ++</button>

export default CounterApp;

Note that when you call this.increment() in delayedIncrement, it dispatch the increment action. You can use this to replace redux-saga in many cases:

class UserCollectionStore {
	users: object;
	status: string;
	setIsLoading() {
		this.status = 'is_loading';

	setUsers(users: object[]) {
		this.users = users;

	async loadUsers() {
		let usersReq = await fetch("");
		let users = await usersReq.json();


Erudx support stores composition. For instance you can create a collection of CounterStore like this :

import { CollectionStore } from "erudx/stores";

const CountersApp = () => {
	let counters = useStore(
		new CollectionStore([
			new CounterStore(0),
			new CounterStore(1),
			new CounterStore(2)

	return <div>
		{ => <Counter {...props(counter)} />)}
		<button onClick={() => counters.push(new CounterStore(0))}>

Erudx implement store composition by using nested actions internally.
Since we have three CounterStores, each having an increment action, we need to wrap our increment action inside a routing action, to route our increment action to counters.get(1).
Therefore, counters.get(1).increment() will dispatch a nested action:
{ type: "@route", payload: [1, { type: "increment", payload: [] }] }
counters.push is also an action, so when calling that method, you actually dispatch the following action:
{type: "push", payload:[...values]}

Erudx also have a record function, instancing a RecordStore class:

import { record } from "erudx/stores";

const CountersApp = () => {
	let counters = useStore(record({
		counter1: new CounterStore(0),
		counter2: new CounterStore(1)

	function incrementBoth() {
		//React will automatically batch the two actions and re-render only once

	return <div>
		<Counter {...props(counters.counter1)} />
		<Counter {...props(counters.counter2)} />
		<button onClick={incrementBoth}>Increment both</button>

Let us implement a SimpleCollectionStore class to understand how things work internally:

import { store, mount, route, reduce, action, afterClone } from "../index";

class SimpleColletionStore<T> {
	items: T[];

	constructor(items: T[]) {
		this.items = [...items];
		this.items.forEach((item, i) => mount(item, this, i));

	get(index: number) {
		return this.items[i];

	set(index: number, item: T) {
		this.items[index] = item;

	push(...items: T[]) {
		let l = this.items.length;
		for(let i = l; i < this.items.length; i++) {
			mount(item, this, i);

	insert(index: number, item : T) {
		this.items.splice(index, 0, item);
		for(let i = index; i < this.items.length; i++) {
			mount(this.items[i], this, i);

	remove(index: number) {
		this.items.splice(index, 1);
		for(let i = index; i < this.items.length; i++) {
			mount(this.items[i], this, i);

	get length() {
		return this.items.length;
	private route(index: number, action) {
		this.items[index] = reduce(this.items[index], action);

	private afterClone() {
		this.items = [...this.items];

First the mount function:

	mount(store, parent, route)

Basically this tells store that its parent is parent and that its path inside parent is route.
Those informations are stored as a property of store thanks to Object.defineProperty and using a symbol as a key, so it does not appear in Object.keys() and won't interfere with other properties.

When you call mount, parent becomes the owner of store, and a store can only have one owner.
This is how you can dispatch an action as easily as counters.get(1).increment().

In the case of our Collection, the route of an item is simply its index in the array.
Therefore, we have to call mount several times:

  • In our constructor and in the push action to set the parent and the index.
  • In remove and insert to update the index of our items.

At the end of our class there is two methods, with two decorators:

The route method with the @route decorator. The name of the method doesn't matter.
It will be called to the actions of its child stores.
For instance, if we call counters.get(index).increment(), route will be called like this:, index, {type: "increment", payload: []}) because counters.get(index) is mounted at index. Then route must transmit the action to the right store. In our case, we decided that the route of an item would be its index in this.items. Therefore we will route the action to this.items[index]. For that we call reduce(this.items[index], action), which will execute this.items[index].constructor[reducer] with action as a parameter. And at last, we need to make sure that this.items[index] points to the new version created by reduce, and thus:
this.items[index] = reduce(...)

Note that there is a default route method, overrided when we mark an other method with @route.
If the route is ['a', 'b', 2] then it will execute: this.a.b[2] = reduce(this.a.b[2], action)

Finally the last method is afterClone. There is three decorators related to store cloning:

  • @beforeClone : the decorated method will be called before the store is cloned by the reducer.
  • @clone : the decorated method will be used to clone the store, and must return a new store.
  • @afterClone : the decorated method will be called after the store has been cloned.

In our case we use @afterClone to duplicate our items array, because we don't want our stores to share the same array instance (we want to keep an history of the state for easier debugging with redux).

Compound actions

class ExtendedCounterStore extends CounterStore {
	setTo(value: number) {
		this.counter = value;

class CounterCollectionStore extends CollectionStore<ExtendedCounterStore> {
	setCountersTo(value: number) {
		for(let counter of this) {
			// This is an action so it triggers a dispatch

So what does @compoundAction do ? For now nothing, but in the future it should batch the many actions triggered by the loop. Right now, this would clone the CounterCollectionStore for each action in the loop, and is therefore quite inefficient. In the future it could consider @compoundAction as a single action and remove unnecessary cloning.


Do NOT call an action inside an action, it's like calling dispatch inside a reducer ! This is anti-pattern:

class Foo {
	x: number;

	foo(y: number) {
		this.x = (y * 3 + 4) * (this.x + 2);

	bar(y: number) {

Do this instead:

class Foo {
	x: number;

	private calc(y: number) {
		this.x = (y * 3 + 4) * (this.x + 2);

	foo(y: number) {

	bar(y: number) {


I write this because the first thing I'm asked when I talk about this library is : "what about its performance ?" Well it really depends on how you use it but if you want a takeaway then it would be : You don't need to worry about that

  1. Although there is probably a slight overhead compared to vanilla redux it probably doesn't matter :
    what you put inside the actions and the overall design of your state is much more important.
  2. The performance of actions is not that critical to begin with. In most cases, actions will be trigerred by the user and at most a few of times a second.

So unless you trigger thousands of actions every second, there should be no perceptible overhead to vanilla redux.

Althought, if you have big arrays (more than 10000) then you might want to use erudx together with immutable.js, because erudx makes a copy of the collection before mutating it with an action.