401 Codefellows Midterm project using Javascript
401 Codefellows Midterm project using Javascript
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Getting Started on Prisma
Prisma Install Instructions
- npm install @prisma/cli --save-dev >>> to install prisma in cli
- npm install @prisma/client >>> install prisma client
- npx prisma init >>> creates schema.prisma file and .env file
- npx prisma introspect >>> to generate schema for each table in database
- npx prisma generate >>> update client side now we can send queries
- const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client') >>> require this in your
- const prisma = new PrismaClient() >>> require this in your file
List of CLI commands:-
node query.js getRecord:
Shows you a list of errors stored in your database
+++++++++++++++++= PSQL Database +++++++++++++++++++++
In Terminal Create Database:
- Enter:
>>> Opens psql in terminal - \c into table >>> Lets you view a table
- \dt describe table >>> lets you view whats in table.
- Enter:
; In .env:
`DATABASE_URL = postgres:localhost:5432/DATABASE-NAME`
To use schema file to start database:
`psql -f file.sql -d DATABASE-NAME`
Add to Heroku online, add this command to terminal:
`heroku pg:psql -f path/to/schema-file.sql --app your-heroku-app-name-here`
List of Common Commands:
- \l - to view all databases
- \c DATABASE-NAME - to navigate into your database
- \dt - to view the tables in your database
- \q to quit
- [ ] node.js documentation => access build in api methods
Explanation of Config Steps
//get the users db URI and CLIENT ID
//do this with an inquirer function??
//use that db URI to set up a table called errtable
//maybe?? use fs to create .env in prisma folder
//TODO maybe?? symlink .env in prisma folder
//TODO write symlink from internal.env to prisma .env
//TODO after above script, run eblow commands in script in package json
//POST INSTALL COMMNADS //TODO then run prisma introspect //TODO then run prisma generate
```"postinstall": "rm ./prisma/.env && ln -s ./.env ./prisma/.env && npx prisma introspect && npx prisma generate",```
post install remove prisma .env file, sym link to .env in node modules, then run prisma intro and generate steps