An ER:LC API wrapper for JS/TS
ER:LC API Wrapper
A lightweight API Wrapper with 100% coverage of the ER:LC API. Fixed Error and Improvements 7
Getting Started
First you need to install the package.
npm i erlc-api
Setting Up
Setting up is super simple:
// index.js
const erlc = require("erlc");
const client = new erlc.Client({
globalToken: "", // You get the global key directly from the ERLC developers. To increase your API request limits
client.config(); // Registers your client
Now you can start using API Methods - here are a few examples:
// GetServerInfo.js
const erlc = require("erlc-api"); //JS
import erlc from "erlc-api"; // Module or typeScript
const getServerFunc = async () => {
const serverId = ""; // The server ApiKey you wish to target. You can get this api key in your (Server Settings)
const server = await erlc.getServer(serverId).catch(console.log); // Gets the server, logs any errors
console.log(server); // Logs the server object
// Expected Response:
// {
// Name: "Your Sever Name",
// CurrentPlayers: 0,
// MaxPlayers: 40,
// JoinKey: "Your Code Join",
// AccVerifiedReq: "Disabled" | "Email" | "Phone/ID",
// TeamBalance: true or false ,
// OwnerUsername: "Your Name",
// CoOwnerUsernames: [],
// VanityURL: "",
// },
// GetPlayers.js
const erlc = require("erlc-api"); //JS
import erlc from "erlc-api"; // Module or typeScript
const getPlayersFunc = async () => {
const serverId = ""; // The server ApiKey you wish to target. You can get this api key in your (Server Settings)
const server = await erlc.getPlayers(serverId).catch(console.log); // Gets the server, logs any errors
console.log(server); // Logs the server object
// Expected Response:
// [
// {
// "Permission": "Server Owner" Or Member, Moderator,
// "Player": "Player-Username and ID" ,
// "Team": "Civilian" Or Fire, Police, Sherift
// }
// ]
const erlc = require("erlc-api"); //JS
import erlc from "erlc-api"; // Module or typeScript
const getModCallsFunc = async () => {
const serverId = ""; // The server ApiKey you wish to target. You can get this api key in your (Server Settings)
const server = await erlc.getModcallLogs(serverId).catch(console.log); // Gets the server, logs any errors
console.log(server); // Logs the server object
// Expected Response:
// {
// Caller: ErlcPlayer;
// Moderator?: ErlcPlayer; // If call is unanswered property is undefined
// Timestamp: number;
// }
Discord Bot
The Discord Bot Back Online 29/05/2024
Module Examples
Library Re-Development - Egologics
API Development - Police Roleplay Community
Apply for more API request limits - Discord