Erabbit UI Components built with Vue3
Erabbit UI
A Vue 3 based component library for erabbit web applications
Components List
| Name | Completed | Description |
| ----------------- | --------- | ------------------------- |
| Area
| ✅ | Area Component |
| Button
| ✅ | Button Component |
| Breadcrumb
| ✅ | Breadcrumb Component |
| Carousel
| ✅ | Carousel Component |
| Checkbox
| ✅ | Checkbox Component |
| Confirm
| ✅ | Confirm Component |
| showConfirm
| ✅ | showConfirm Function |
| Dialog
| ❎ | Dialog Component |
| showDialog
| ❎ | showDialog Function |
| Icon
| ✅ | Icon Component |
| Message
| ✅ | Message Component |
| showMessage
| ✅ | showMessage Function |
| ImageView
| ❎ | ImageView Component |
| InfiniteLoading
| ❎ | InfiniteLoading Component |
| InputNumber
| ✅ | InputNumber Component |
| More
| ❎ | More Component |
| Pagination
| ❎ | Pagination Component |
| Skeleton
| ❎ | Skeleton Component |
| Sku
| ✅ | Sku Component |
| Step
| ✅ | Step Component |
| Tab
| ✅ | Tab Component |
All Contributors
Thanks to the following friends for their contributions to ErabbitUI:
Contribution Guide
Fork the main repository. If you have already forked, please synchronize the latest code from the main repository.
Follow the steps below to develop ErabbitUI components locally.
# Clone repository
git clone [email protected]:you-repo-name/erabbit-ui.git
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
# Build builtin dependencies
pnpm build-all
# Start development
pnpm dev
Directory Structure
└─ packages
├─ erabbit # Component library
├─ erabbit-cli # Scaffolding
├─ erabbit-icons # Icon library
├─ erabbit-auto-import # Composition API
├─ erabbit-eslint-config # Eslint
├─ playground # Play Demo
└─ docs # Document