This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
Equator component library
This package provides a set of re-usable plain HTML components, coupled with Tailwind plugins which provide responsive style utilities.
Table of contents
Run this command:
npm i equator-component-library -D
Check that the ".vscode/" folder at the root of your solution contains a "html.code-snippets" file.
- Tailwind CSS is our CSS framework. All of the HTML snippets are styled with Tailwind utility classes.
- VSCode is needed to use the snippets, since they are added as a VSCode config file.
- AlpineJS is our JavaSCript framework. Many of the HTML snippets contain AlpineJS directive attributes to power their interactivity.
- Use a Typescript Tailwind config file, instead of plain JS. This will improve the intellisense in your config file and make the plugins easier to configure.
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense VSCode extension
Features and usage
These are HTML snippets which generate blocks of HTML for components. They include tab stops to simply integration with data.
These are extensions of the out-the-box Tailwind config
The exported Tailwind config "/modules/package/tailwind.config.ts" contains definitions for the following theme and extend properties. These can be imported together, or referenced individuals as required.
If your Tailwind config is a Typescript file, you should get Intellisense suggestions when referencing the exported object.
Rather than list them all here, just go look at the file in "node_modules/equator/component-library/modules/package/tailwind.config.ts" after installation.