Easy deployment for any programming languages and also transfer the files to a server instantly with a single command
(E)asy De(ploy)ment
Eploy2 makes your deployment easy, forget the worries about the deployment because its all about just a single command.
Eploy2 makes your files transferring to a server easy at a single command.
Eploy2 supports all types of Server side programming languages like Javascript, Typescript, Node, Ruby On Rails, Python, PHP, C#, .Net etc ..,
Getting started
Install via npm
$ npm install -g eploy2
Usage in Server Side
Starting an application is as easy as:
$ eploy2 run
Works on Linux (LTS) & macOS (LTS). All Node.js versions are supported starting Node.js 8.X.
For now, we are not supporting to Windows. We are working on it.
Starting an application & kept alive forever:
$ eploy2 start daemon
Eploy2 application is now daemonized and kept alive forever as a background service.
Available Commands
$ eploy2 stop # Stop a eploy service if it is running.
$ eploy2 start # start a eploy service if it was stopped.
$ eploy2 restart # Restart a eploy service.
$ eploy2 delete # Delete a eploy service from your machine permanently.
That's it. You are all set to go. Hope you enjoy the appication. It takes only less than minute.
Let's go to the client side setup.
Usage in Client Side
First you have to create a 'eploy.config.js' in a root folder.
module.exports = {
apps: [{
name: '<your-application-name>',
main : '<main-file>' //optional
cloud_config: {
staging : {
host: '<your-public-ip-address-or-domain-url-name>',
repo: '<your-git-repo-path>', // Clone type must be ssh, not supported in https.
ref: '<your-git-branch-name-with-ref>', // eg. origin/master
application_path: '<your-application-path-in-a-server>',
pre_launch_script: '<launch-script>' // It will execute after update the latest files from the git. eg. 'npm i'
production : {
host: '<your-public-ip-address-or-domain-url-name>',
repo: '<your-git-repo-path>', // Clone type must be ssh, not supported in https.
ref: '<your-git-branch-name-with-ref>', // eg. origin/master
application_path: '<your-application-path-in-a-server>',
pre_launch_script: '<launch-script>', //It will execute after update the latest files from the git. eg. 'npm i'
transfer_config : {
staging : {
host: '<your-public-ip-address-or-domain-url-name>',
user : '<your-server-username>', // eg. ubuntu or root
source_path : '<source-path-transfer-from>', // which is folder or file path you want to transfer to server
destination_path : '<destination-path-transfer-to>',
pre_transfer_script : '<launch-script>', // It will execute before transfer the files to the server. eg. 'ng build or gatsby build'
production : {
host: '<your-public-ip-address-or-domain-url-name>',
user : '<your-server-username>', // eg. ubuntu or root
source_path : '<source-path-transfer-from>', // which is folder or file path you want to transfer to server
destination_path : '<destination-path-transfer-to>',
pre_transfer_script : '<launch-script>', // It will execute before transfer the files to the server. eg. 'ng build or gatsby build'
The above file explains the configuration of eploy service. In cloud_config or transfer_config must having 'staging' or 'production' attribute.
Available Client Side Commands
Deploy your application is as easy as:
$ eploy2 deploy
#output of above command
? Choose the deploy type › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Staging
Within a single command & select your environment, your application will deploy smoothly in a server instantly. It will shows the server logs also in your terminal.
Files Transfer to server
Transfer your files to the server is as easy as:
$ eploy2 transfer
#output of above command
? Choose the transfer type › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Staging
Within a single command & select your environment, your files will transfer quickly to the specific path in a server instantly. It will shows the server logs also in your terminal.
Further information about eploy2
Eploy Help
$ eploy2 -h
Thanks in advance and we hope that you like eploy2!! 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏