> 👷🏼♂️ **Work in progres, in a very alpha version. Use it in your own terms or contribute [here](https://github.com/enriquebv/virtual-headless-timeline).**
👷🏼♂️ Work in progres, in a very alpha version. Use it in your own terms or contribute here.
Key Features
- Headless timeline renderer.
- Library only provides positions to create your own timeline.
- You can use React, Vue, Svelte, or others libraries/frameworks to create timeline components.
- Performant.
- You can create timelines with a large quantity of items, only those which are in current timeline will be provided to be rendered.
- Update timelines in real-time:
- Remove items.
- Add new items.
- Update items.
- Responsive by default.
- Scrollable.
- Simple API built with TypeScript.
- Pre-built components to most used UI libraries/frameworks:
- React
- Vue
- Cluster mode.
Coming soon features:
- Nested timelines.
- SSR support.
- Pre-built components to most used UI libraries/frameworks:
- Svelte
- Pre-built canvas timeline render.
// TODO: Explain why library
- Only accepts timestamps in milliseconds format.
- Layer implementation to allow fine-grain control over the timeline.
How To Use
Install library:
# With yarn yarn add virtual-headless-timeline # or with npm npm i virtual-headless-timeline
// TODO: When library have version 1.0.0, create basic example.
- [x] Implement timeline manager:
- [x] Basic range and calc orchestration.
- [x] Add unit tests.
- [x] Update item.
- [x] Add item.
- [x] Remove item.
- [x] Create timeline item entity
- [x] Added basic range offets calculation
- [x] Added unit tests
- [x] Implement DOM layer:
- [x]
to support responsive. - [x] Pan gesture support; will move to future or past using current timeline range.
- [x] Add unit tests to DOM layer.
- [x]
- [ ] Events
- [ ] On scroll event
- [ ] On scroll end event
- [ ] Refactor code to simplify API.
- [ ] Create pre-built React component.
- [ ] Create pre-built Vue component.
- [ ] Create pre-built Svelte component.
- [ ] Create demo pages.
- [ ] Enhance current README with basic examples.
- [ ] Create
file with explained library API.
- [ ] Scroll gesture support; will modify current timeline range.
- [ ] Create canvas implementation.
- [ ] SSR support.
This library uses the following open source modules:
- Hammer.JS: Allows to control gestures in timeline (pan, scroll, etc).
// TODO: Add buymeacoffe link.
GitHub @enriquebv · Twitter @enriquedev_