Benchmarks for enumset32 vs other set implementations
enumset32 benchmarks
Comparative performance of set implementations
These benchmarks compare the relative performance of ES2015 Native Set, enumset32, fp-ts & Lodash with respect to common set operations.
Benchmarks conducted with Node.js v10.15.3 running on a 2.4 GHz iMac desktop.
Taller bars indicate superior performance and, in some cases, by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude better with enumset32!
- Benchmark 1. Instantiating sets
- Benchmark 2. Testing membership of a set
- Benchmark 3. Testing two sets for equality
- Benchmark 4. Evaluating the complement of a set
- Benchmark 5. Evaluating the union of two sets
- Benchmark 6. Evaluating the intersection of two sets
- Benchmark 7. Evaluating the difference of two sets
- Benchmark 8. Evaluating the symmetric difference of two sets
Benchmark 1. Instantiating sets
Benchmark 2. Testing membership of a set
Benchmark 3. Testing two sets for equality
Benchmark 4. Evaluating the complement of a set
Benchmark 5. Evaluating the union of two sets
Benchmark 6. Evaluating the intersection of two sets
Benchmark 7. Evaluating the difference of two sets
Benchmark 8. Evaluating the symmetric difference of two sets
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