Low level streaming torrent client that exposes files as node.js streams and downloads pieces based on demand
The streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses
npm install torrent-stream
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torrent-stream is a node module that allows you to access files inside a torrent as node streams.
var torrentStream = require('torrent-stream');
var engine = torrentStream('magnet:my-magnet-link');
engine.on('ready', function() {
engine.files.forEach(function(file) {
console.log('filename:', file.name);
var stream = file.createReadStream();
// stream is readable stream to containing the file content
You can pass start
and end
options to stream to slice the file
// get a stream containing bytes 10-100 inclusive.
var stream = file.createReadStream({
start: 10,
end: 100
Per default no files are downloaded unless you create a stream to them.
If you want to fetch a file without creating a stream you should use the file.select
and file.deselect
When you start torrent-stream it will connect to the torrent dht and fetch pieces according to the streams you create.
Full API
engine = torrentStream(magnet_link_or_buffer, opts)
Create a new engine instance. Options can contain the following
connections: 100, // Max amount of peers to be connected to.
uploads: 10, // Number of upload slots.
tmp: '/tmp', // Root folder for the files storage.
// Defaults to '/tmp' or temp folder specific to your OS.
// Each torrent will be placed into a separate folder under /tmp/torrent-stream/{infoHash}
path: '/tmp/my-file', // Where to save the files. Overrides `tmp`.
verify: true, // Verify previously stored data before starting
// Defaults to true
dht: true, // Whether or not to use DHT to initialize the swarm.
// Defaults to true
tracker: true, // Whether or not to use trackers from torrent file or magnet link
// Defaults to true
trackers: [
// Allows to declare additional custom trackers to use
// Defaults to empty
storage: myStorage() // Use a custom storage backend rather than the default disk-backed one
engine.on('ready', fn)
Emitted when the engine is ready to be used. The files array will be empty until this event is emitted
engine.on('download', [piece-index])
Emitted every time a piece has been downloaded and verified.
engine.on('upload', [piece-index, offset, length])
Emitted every time a piece is uploaded.
engine.on('torrent', fn)
Emitted when the metadata has been fetched.
engine.on('idle', fn)
Emitted when all selected files have been completely downloaded.
An array of all files in the torrent. See the file section for more info on what methods the file has
Destroy the engine. Destroys all connections to peers
Connect to a peer manually
Disconnect from a peer manually
Disconnect from a peer and add it to the blocklist, preventing any other connection to it
engine.remove([keep-pieces], cb)
Completely remove all saved data for this torrent. Optionally, only remove cache and temporary data but keep downloaded pieces
engine.listen([port], cb)
Listen for incoming peers on the specified port. Port defaults to 6881
The attached peer-wire-swarm instance
Shows the total bytes downloaded. With this you can know how much you downloaded and how many bytes you still have to download to reach the end of the file.
file = engine.files[...]
A file in the torrent. They contains the following data
name: 'my-filename.txt',
path: 'my-folder/my-filename.txt',
length: 424242
Selects the file to be downloaded, but at a lower priority than streams. Useful if you know you need the file at a later stage.
Deselects the file which means it won't be downloaded unless someone creates a stream to it
stream = file.createReadStream(opts)
Create a readable stream to the file. Pieces needed by the stream will be prioritized highly. Options can contain the following
start: startByte,
end: endByte
Both start
and end
are inclusive