Express wrapper to manage multiple APIs from a single server
A lightweight Express wrapper that enables multiple APIs to be served from a single server given just the directory path and domain basename.
Engine-Express is available as an npm package.
// with npm
npm install engine-express
Quick Start
const engine = require("engine-express")
const path = require("path")
var api_list = [
"routes_path": path.join(__dirname, RELATIVE_PATH_TO_YOUR_API1_ROUTES_FILE),
"basename": "/api1"
"routes_path": path.join(__dirname, RELATIVE_PATH_TO_YOUR_API2_ROUTES_FILE),
"basename": "/api2"
engine.start(PORT_NUMBER, api_list);
const router = require("express").Router()
router.route("/route").get((req, res) => res.send("Hello World! This is a route"))
router.get('/*', (req, res) => res.send("Hello World! This is API 2"))
module.exports = router
Documentation: Check out the documentation here.
Example Projects: All examples in this document can be found fully implemented here.
Overview: Engine-Express enables a node server to serve multiple Express APIs from the same port. If you want to configure the underlying server before listening, simply access engine.server
to make modifications to the underlying express application. To use the tool and start the server, simply pass the configuration parameters to the start function. Besides the port number and the optional HTTPS credentials, the start function will also take an array of APIs in the format of a basename and path. The basename represents the subdomain of the server where the API should be accessible, and the path represents the location of the routes that make up the API.
The specified routes file should export a Router, as well as define as act as the head of the routes. It is possible to both exhaustively define all routes in this file, as well as simply defining routes that filter to subsequent routes in other files. Both of these cases are demonstrated below in the Routes File Examples section.
Name | Type | Description
start| function| start
starts the server and serves the APIs. Learn more about the start function here.
server| property| server
property provides direct access to the underlying server. Learn more about the server property here.
Index File Examples
Example with HTTPS
const engine = require("engine-express")
var api_list = [
"routes_path": PATH_TO_ROUTES_FILE,
"basename": "/api1"
"routes_path": PATH_TO_ROUTES_FILE,
"basename": "/api2"
var https_creds = {
"certificate_path": PATH_TO_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE,
"private_key_path": PATH_TO_HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY
engine.start(5000, api_list, https_creds);
Example with server configurations
const engine = require("engine-express")
const fs = require("fs")
const path = require("path")
const bodyParser = require("body-parser")
const cors = require("cors")
const morgan = require("morgan")
const fileUpload= require("express-fileupload")
var api_list = [
"routes_path": PATH_TO_ROUTES_FILE,
"basename": "/api1"
"routes_path": PATH_TO_ROUTES_FILE,
"basename": "/api2"
engine.server.use(morgan('combined', { stream: fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, '../engine-express.log'), { flags: 'a' }) }))
engine.start(5000, api_list);
Routes File Examples
Example with controllers
const router = require("express").Router()
const controllers = require("./controllers")
router.get('/*', controllers.sendResponse)
module.exports = router
exports.sendResponse = (req, res) => res.send("Hello World")
Example with routing
const router = require("express").Router()
router.use('/public', require("./publicRoutes"))
router.use('/private', require("./privateRoutes"))
module.exports = router
const publicRouter = require("express").Router()
publicRouter.get("/*",(req, res) => res.send("Public page: Hello World"))
module.exports = publicRouter
const privateRouter = require("express").Router()
privateRouter.get("/*",(req, res) => res.send("Private page: Hello World"))
module.exports = privateRouter
Example with middleware
const router = require("express").Router()
const log = (req, res, next) => {
console.log("Request recieved")
const authenticate = (req, res, next) => {
if (Math.random() > .5){
console.log(`${req.params.name ? req.params.name : "An unamed user"} had improper credentials`)
res.send("Access denied");
console.log(`${req.params.name ? req.params.name : "An unamed user"} had proper credentials`)
const respond = (req, res) => res.send(`${req.params.name ? req.params.name : "An unamed user"} says 'Hello World!'`)
router.get('/:name?', log, authenticate, respond)
module.exports = router