Vue.js on front, Node.js behind, Electron ready, Mobile soon - All in one codebase
Endify (Work in progress)
JS Framework connecting backend, frontend and native JavaScript based apps
You can get a fresh Endify project with one simple command:
npx create-endify-app
Check the guide if you want to setup it on your own.
npm i endify
yarn add endify
Then create endify.config.client
in the root dir of your project
Then fill it with configuration:
export default {
// Configuration
I was working with Vue Storefront and Nuxt for a while, but their biggest mistake was that it's not everything to make the website work. Of course you need an API in another project, some workers, services and so on... So I realized that why not to connect them both? And here it is - Endify.
It supports a lot of things (out of the box!):
✔️ Frontend with Vue.js
✔️ Backend in Node.js
✔️ One codebase
✔️ Extending frontend & backend with plugins
✔️ Vuex store
✔️ Code splitting
✔️ Electron - Yeah, you write once, you get a website and an app for Windows & Mac, so cool!
✔️ Service container with awilix
✔️ SSR (Server side rendering)
✔️ Hot reload of frontend and backend (woah! I worked a few weeks on that)
✔️ It's fully dockerized
✔️ It allows to test itself with jest
✔️ It includes pnpm
instead of npm
for the fastest installing experience
✔️ It has some Github Actions examples of Testing & Building
✔️ And even it has some great tutorial on how to apply image to kubernetes with Github Actions!
✔️ You install it with one command `