Provide commands to create scripts (components) according to templates and config
- Enchup
- 1. Overview
- 2. Commands
- 2.1 Setup
- 2.2 Init
- 2.3 Info
- 2.4 Create
- 3. Enchup file system
- 4. Enchup config: enchup.yml
- 4.1 Config overview
- 4.2 Parameters
- 4.3 Base
- 4.4 Components
- 5. Custom config: user-enchup.yml
- 6. Templates
- 6.1 Overview
- 6.2 Example
- 7. Api
- 8. Future plans
- 9. Yo
1. Overview
Easy way to setup application and provide commands to create scripts (components) according to templates and config.
npm install -g enchup
Available commands:
- setup [options] [repository]
- init [repository]
- info [component]
- create [options] [template]
2. Commands
2.1 Setup
Setup enchup config and templates from repository. Supports only github repositories (format - %username%/%reponame%)
enchup setup <repository>
- -f --force - clean and backup configs and remove templates before setup if they already exists
Could be used at already existing application.
2.2 Init
Initialize application to current directory. Similar to git clone [repository]
but remove .git after cloning.
Directory should be empty.
enchup init <repository>
2.3 Info
Show all available components or information about certain component: path, parameters map and components list.
enchup info
enchup info [component]
2.4 Create
Create components according to enchup config and templates. All components are described at enchup.yml.
create <component> <parameters> [template]
- -f --force - override components if already exists
- -c --continue - do not override existing components. Important for components that includes other components
For additional information about component use enchup info [component]
3. Enchup file system
- enchup/enchup.yml - main config
- enchup/user-enchup.yml - user enchup config. Should be ignored by cvs
- enchup/templates - Handlebars templates for components
4. Enchup config: enchup.yml
4.1 Config overview
There are three main blocks at enchup.yml:
- parameters
- base
- components
4.2 Parameters
Any data that will be available for template rendering.
4.3 Base
Base path for all components
4.4 Components
Array of components that could be created by enchup.
For example:
base: /src/js
controller: /:screen/controllers/:controller.js
view: /:screen/view/:view.html
map: screen:controller:route
- controller
- view
map: screen:controller:route
controller: :screen
- controller
- template:landing
Components could be described as string or object. At example above:
- controller - described as string where all parameters are in path
- screen - described as object.
Options for definition as object are:
- map - parameters that should be described when run
enchup create
command - path - component path
- components - list of the components and its template that also will be created
- provide - additional parameters list. Could be added as constants or links for specified parameters
Run enchup info [component]
to get detailed info about how to create component.
enchup create controller user:profile
Will create script /user/controllers/profile.js with controller's default template /enchup/templates/controller.hbs
enchup create screen user:profile:/profile.html
Will create scripts:
- /user/controllers/profile.js with controller's default template /enchup/templates/controller.hbs
- /user/templates/profile.html with default view's default template /enchup/templates/view.hbs
enchup create landing frankland:/frankland.html
Will create scripts:
- /frankland/controllers/frankland.js with controller's default template /enchup/templates/controller.hbs
- /frankland/view/frankland.html with template landing /enchup/templates/landing.hbs or if not exist
5. Custom config: user-enchup.yml
This is just user's enchup config that should be ignored by vcs. Need for developers's paramaters such as: {{ name }}, {{ email }}, {{ homepage }} etc.
6. Templates
6.1 Overview
Enchup is trying to find tempalate at /enchup/templates/<template>.hbs
. If template is not described for component then
template's name will be same as component's name.
Handlebars is using for template rendering. There are available few helpers:
- ucfirst - lowercase expression's value and uppercase first word
- uppercase - uppercase expression's value
- lowercase - lowercase expression's value
- tail - split expression's value by '/' symbol and use last one
- dots - lowercase and replace '/' by '.'
For example:
You have component controller
that is described as controller: /app/controllers/:screen/:controller
and you use command
enchup create controller user:profile/friends
In this case template "{{ tail controller }}" will be rendered as "friends"
and "{{ ucfirst (tail controller }})" will be rendered as "Friends"
All components parameters are available at template. And there is one always existing parameter - {{ date }}.
Also there are parameters
object form enchup.yml
and all from user-enchup.yml
available at templates.
6.2 Example
According to this config:
controller: /:screen/controllers/:controller.js
and this template:
* @date {{ date }}
* @author {{ author }}
* @version {{ version }}
* @application {{ application }}
import BaseController from 'valent/base/controller';
import { Controller } from 'valent';
import {{ ucfirst (tail controller) }}Template from './{{ tail controller }}.html';
class {{ ucfirst (tail controller) }}Controller extends BaseController {
constructor(Scope) {
getName() {
return '{{ screen }}.{{ controller }}';
Controller('{{ screen }}.{{ controller }}')
.route('{{ screen }}/{{ tail controller }}.html')
.template({{ ucfirst (tail controller) }}Template)
.src({{ ucfirst (tail controller) }}Controller);
and this command:
enchup create controller user:profile
Enchup will create this script:
* @date 2015-03-18 11:45:10
* @author tuchk4
* @version
* @application
import BaseController from 'valent/base/controller';
import { Controller } from 'valent';
import ProfileTemplate from './profile.html';
class ProfileController extends BaseController {
constructor(Scope) {
getName() {
return 'user.profile';
7. API
All commands available from api.
var Enchup = require('enchup')
Enchup.setup(repository, option);
Enchup.init(repository, options);
Enchup.create(component, parameters, template, options);
8. Future plans
- rewrite code on ES6
- add
-d --dry-run
option - think again about enchup functions: remove unneeded and add more useful
- bug fixing
9. Yo
You are welcome for contributing and bug reporting :) Help to make enchup better <3 Also you are welcome to any questions and discussing at glitter chat.