Library that works a layer over the emt API service
- Requirements
- How to install
- How to use
- Authentication
- Select a category
- Make a request
- Category methods
- Bus
- Geo
- Media
- Bike
- Parking
Node.js >= v6
How to install
npm install emt-bus --save
How to use
Import and authenticate against the API.
var EMT = require('emt-bus').('<idClient>', '<passKey>');
Select a an API category
var bus = EMT('bus');
Finally, make the request by selecting a method that corresponds to its category
bus.getListLines({ Lines: '721', SelectDate: '09/09/1993' }).then ..
🚌 Bus Methods
| Methods|Description |
| ---------|-------------|
| getCalendar|Get EMT Calendar for all days and line schedules for a range of dates
| getGroups|Returns every line type and their details |
| getListLines|Returns lines with description and groups |
| getNodesLines|Returns all stop identifiers and his coordinate, name, lines and directions|
| getRouteLines| Returns a line/s route with the vertex info to build the route and coordinates for stops and axes |
| getTimeTableLines|Provices information about the requested line at travel time|
| getTimesLines|Returns current schedules for the requested lines|
🌍 Geo Methods
| Methods|Description | | ---------|-------------| | getArriveStop|Gets bus arrive info to a target stop | | getGroups|Return a list of groups | | getInfoLine|Returns line info in a target date| | getInfoLineExtend|Returns line info in a target date| | getPointsOfInterest|Returns a list of Points of Interest from a coordinate center with a target radius| | getPointsOfInterestTypes|Returns a list of Point of interest types| | getStopsFromStop|Returns a list of stops from a target stop with a target radius and the lines arriving to those stops.| | getStopsFromXY|Returns a list of stops from a coordinate with a radius and the lines arriving to those stops.| | getStopsLine|Provices information about the requested line at travel time.| | getStreet|Returns a list of EMT nodes related to a location. All EMT locations are a group of stops within a target radius and the lines related to each stop in the list.| | getStreetFromXY|Returns a list of stops from a target coordinate.|
📺 Media Methods(WIP)
| Methods|Description |
| ---------|-------------|
| getEstimatesIncident| Get estimate arrival time to stop and its related issues
| getStreetRoute|Request up to three optimal routes from one place to another using bus or walking, source and destination must be in a format known for the system, which means that should have been validated by a GetStreet call
| getRouteWithAlarm| |
| getRouteWithAlarmResponse| |
| getRoute| |
| getRouteResponse| |
🚲 Bike Methods
| Methods|Description | | ---------|-------------| | getStations|Obtiene la relación de todas las bases de Bicimad y su estado operacional. | | getSingleStations|Obtiene la información de una base |
🅿 Parking Methods (WIP)
| Methods|Description | | ---------|-------------| | detailParking|N/A | | detailPOI|N/A | | iconDescription|N/A| | infoParkingPoi|N/A| | listFeatures|N/A| | listParking|N/A| | listStreetPoisParking|N/A| | listTypesPOIs|N/A|