A new lib to create charts with nice animations
Empsychart is a new lib to create simple chart in web pages.
The main goal of this lib is to create charts with the most fluid transition possible when data, color or other graph properties change.
Charts are render with HTML5 canvas. But this lib was develop in mind to use easely other technologies for rendering.
For the moment, only LineChart is available.
Roadmap :
- create BarChart
- create PieChart and DonutChart
- create RadarChart
- test rendering with technologies based on webgl
yarn add empsychart
# or with npm
npm install --save empsychart
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<div id="chartContainer" style="width: 600px; height: 300px"></div>
<script src="node_modules/empsychart/iife/index.js"></script>
var charContainer = document.getElementById("chartContainer");
var chartOptions = {
data: [
{ abscissa: 0, value: 40 },
{ abscissa: 50, value: 60 },
{ abscissa: 100, value: 52 },
{ abscissa: 150, value: 50 }
graphColor: ['#eea849', '#eea84900']
var lineChart = new Chart.LineChart(charContainer, chartOptions)
Exemple with module bundler
import { LineChart } from 'empsychart';
// or : import LineChart from 'empsychart/module/LineChart';
var charContainer = document.getElementById("chartContainer");
var chartOptions = {
data: [
{ abscissa: 0, value: 40 },
{ abscissa: 50, value: 60 },
{ abscissa: 100, value: 52 },
{ abscissa: 150, value: 50 }
graphColor: ['#eea849', '#eea84900']
var lineChart = new LineChart(charContainer, chartOptions)
Create a graph
import { LineChart } from 'empsychart';
var charContainer = document.getElementById("chartContainer");
var chartOptions = {
data: [
{ abscissa: 0, value: 40 },
{ abscissa: 50, value: 60 },
{ abscissa: 100, value: 52 },
{ abscissa: 150, value: 50 }
graphColor: ['#eea849', '#eea84900']
var lineChart = new LineChart(charContainer, chartOptions)
Update a graph
var lineChart = new LineChart(charContainer, chartOptions)
// ...
const newData = [
{ abscissa: 0, value: 20 },
{ abscissa: 50, value: 72 },
{ abscissa: 100, value: 42 },
{ abscissa: 150, value: 60 }
lineChart.update({ data: newData });
data: { label?: string, abscissa: number, value: number }[]
Data to display on chart
pointRadius: number
default value: 0
Size of points displayed on chart
lineColor: string
default value: '#000'
Color of the line to display Available formats: hexa3, hexa4, hexa6, hexa8, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla
graphColor: string | string[]
default value: ''
Color between curve and the origin of the chart You can set several colors to create a grandient
hasHorizontalGrid: boolean
default value: true
Display horizontal grid
horizontalGridColor: string
default value: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)'
Horizontal grid color
horizontalGridLabelColor: string
default value: '#999'
Horizontal grid label color
hasVerticalGrid: boolean
default value: true
Display horizontal grid
verticalGridColor: string
default value: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)'
Horizontal grid color
verticalGridLabelColor: string
default value: '#999'
Horizontal grid label color
isCurved: boolean
default value: false
Set to true to draw a curved line
font: string
default value: '12px sans-serif'
Font use for grid labels
transitionDuration: number
default value: 500 Transition duration when the chart is updated (in milliseconds)
ease: "linear" | "quad" | "elastic" | "bounce"
default value: 'quad' Ease function for animation