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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

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This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




React hooks for the Immutable state change controller




Empire State - React

npm version Node CI

A small package to work with mutable state in a tree of React components without a lot of boilerplate, immutability when you want it, and type-safety using TypeScript.


npm install empire-state-react

Raison d’être

A difficulty with React’s useState (or component state in pre-hooks world) is that changes to state are not visible to code until the component re-renders. This is a difficulty because it can lead to mistakes due to misunderstandings — it’s odd that value isn’t immediately changed after you’ve called setValue — and a strength because immutability makes code safer and is fundamental to React.

Another difficulty with React’s useState is that the entire component subtree re-renders when the state changes. This is annoying if you have a component managing a large state object and delegating the modification of parts of that state to child components.

Compared to Redux

Redux provides a similar capability to empire-state-react, however with a lot more complexity and boilerplate. Also Redux is designed to manage global state in an application, where you really benefit from using reducers, selectors and actions, whereas empire-state-react is designed to improve the managing of local state in a tree of components.


With empire-state-react you create one or more controllers to contain state in a component, or at the root of a tree of components that use that state. Using the controller you can get and set parts of its state, with re-renders limited to components that use the part of the state that has changed (using useControllerValue or useController).

The useControllerValue hook provides access to a value from the controller, and a function to change that value. When the value changes your component will re-render.

The useController hook signals that a component is using the value from the controller (or a nested property of the controller) and should be re-rendered when that value changes.


interface Person {
	name: Name
	address: Address

interface Name {
	givenName: string
	middleName?: string
	familyName: string

interface Address {
	street: string

function EditPersonComponent({ person: Person; onChange: (newPerson: Person) => void }) {
	const controller = useControllerWithInitialState(person)

	const handleSave = useCallback(function(evt: React.MouseEvent) {
	}, [controller])

	return (
		<EditName controller={controller.get('name')} />
		<EditAddress controller={controller.get('address')} />
		<button onClick={handleSave}>Save</button>

function EditName(props: { controller: Controller<Name> }) {
	const [givenName, changeGivenName] = useControllerValue(controller, 'givenName')
	const [middleName, changeMiddleName] = useControllerValue(controller, 'middleName')
	const [familyName, changeFamilyName] = useControllerValue(controller, 'familyName')

	const handleGivenName = useCallback(function(evt: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
	}, [changeGivenName])

	return (
		<input type="text" value={givenName} onChange={handleGivenName} />

In this example the EditPersonComponent will not re-render even though the givenName property is changing in the controller.


Controllers use immer to ensure the immutability of the values they contain. The values that you get from a controller are immutable (frozen), so if you’re mutating an array or object value, you’ll need to use immer’s produce method to mutate it, or spread / copy it.



useControllerWithInitialState(initialValue) returns a Controller with the given initial value, much like useState.

The Controller has a value property to access the current state, and a setValue function to change that state. Changes to the Controller’s value are immediately visible in code, but they DO NOT trigger a re-render in React, unlike useState.

A useControllerWithInitialState hook always returns the same Controller object, so passing a controller to child components will not cause a re-render even if the value in the controller has changed. That's why you need useControllerValue to re-render when state changes.


useControllerWithValue(value) returns a Controller with the given value.

The Controller has a value property to access the current state, and a setValue function to change that state. Changes to the Controller’s value are immediately visible in code, but they DO NOT trigger a re-render in React.

A useControllerWithValue hook always returns the same Controller object, so passing a controller to child components will not cause a re-render even if the value in the controller has changed. That's why you need useControllerValue to re-render when state changes.

If the value parameter changes, the Controller's state will be reset to the new value.


useControllerValue(controller) and useControllerValue(controller, property) returns an array containing the current value (immutable) and a function to change the value (exactly like React’s useState).

The value originates from the Controller; either the whole value of the controller or one of its properties.

If the value is changed, either using useControllerValue’s change function or the Controller’s setValue function, the component WILL re-render.


useController(controller) simply returns the given controller, but it will trigger re-renders when the value in the controller changes. useController is useful if you need to re-render if anything about the controller's value changes.

If you are using the Controller's map, find or findIndex methods, consider using useControllerLength instead to only trigger re-renders if the length of the array changes.


useControllerLength(controller), like useController, returns the given controller, but useControllerLength only works with array values, and only triggers re-renders when the array length changes. useControllerLength is using if you're using the Controller's map, find or findIndex methods and therefore need to re-render if the controller's value changes.



Any Controllers returned by hooks or by methods on Controller remain the same (===) for the life of the component, even though the value it contains may change.

When using a Controller in a React deps array, such as with useEffect or useCallback, you can pass the Controller instance itself as the dependency, and then always access the current value of the Controller within the function.

const controller = useControllerWithInitialValue(true)
const handleClick = useCallback(function() {
	console.log(`The current value is ${controller.value}`)
}, [controller])

Re-renders and useControllerValue vs Controller's value property

Because empire-state-react allows mutable state (in a Controller) without re-renders, care must be taken to ensure that components re-render when they need to.

Avoid using the Controller's value property in a component's rendering, as using the value from a controller alone does not result in re-rendering. Instead you should use const [value] = useControllerValue(controller) to access the value.

Conversely you should use the Controller's value property in a component's callback functions, as doing so provides access to the current value without the usual requirement of recreating the function (using useCallback's deps array) whenever the value changes.

If you use a Controller's other methods such as map or find when rendering then you should signal that use the controller by using the useController hook. This hook can also be used to extract a nested controlller, as opposed to using the Controller's get method.


See empire-state for more information and an API reference for Controllers.