Emotive command line tool
The purpose of the emote tool is to create projects that contain Emotive applications and deploy them to the Emotive cloud service. The emote project consists of the files that reside on your local file system. The Emotive cloud service does not keep track of your project. When you deploy a project, the contents the the project, such as apps and integration proxies, are uploaded to the Emotive cloud service.
Installing emote
emote is implemented in node.js, which must be installed prior to installing emote. See here for installation instructions. emote requires node.js v0.8.0 or higher.
IMPORTANT: before proceeding to install emote, run this simple test to verify your node.js and node package manager install:
$ npm install request
This succeeds installing the "request" package, and it insures that npm is configured correctly. Don't skip this step unless you are already using node in your development system.
emote is then installed using npm, the node package manager. Install with the '-g' option so emote will be available from the command line. Here are some examples.
Installing from github
You can install a tagged version:
$ npm install -g https://github.com/emote/tools/tarball/v1.0.9
Or just install the latest version for development:
$ npm install -g https://github.com/emote/tools/tarball/dev
Note that you may have to use "sudo" to install with '-g':
$ sudo npm install -g https://github.com/emote/tools/tarball/dev
Installing from a local tar file:
$ npm install -g emote.tgz
Here is an example of creating a project. The commands used are described in more detail below.
$ emote create myproj
$ cd myproj
$ ls
project.json app
emote creates a project directory that contain a project.json file and a subdirectory for app code.
Project specific settings are stored in project.json. This file is also used to identify the root of a project. If you are in a project subdirectory and issue an emote command it finds the root of the project by going up the directory structure until project.json is found.
When creating a project, you can provide the name of a template that creates a project that contains apps and proxies. This could be a simple example project, or code that you would like to use as a starting point for writing your own Emotive application. The following example uses the 'usgs' template to create an app that will show recent earthquakes in the vicinity of the mobile device:
$ emote create myproj --template usgs
$ cd myproj
$ ls
README app model project.json proxy test
$ emote deploy
Note that in this case, emote creates subdirectories for app, proxy, model, and test code. These directories are generated from the usgs template. The deploy command deploys artifacts from all these subdirectories.
Development Lifecycle Example
First set up credentials (see below.)
Then create a project:
$ emote create project myproj
To use other emote commands on the project, your current directory must be within the project or one of its subdirectories.
$ cd myproj
Now you can modify the project files, such as app or proxy source code, using your choice of editor or IDE. To deploy the project, use:
$ emote deploy
This deploys all models, proxies, apps, and operations to the MMS server. You can also deploy individual parts of the project:
$ emote deploy app
See the commands section below for more detail.
Here are the methods of supplying MMS credential to emote.
MMS credentials can be using a ".emote_profile" file, which can be located in the user directory. This is a JSON file. Example:
profile.json in project
If the file "profile.json" is present in the root of a project, it is used for commands within that project. It has the same format as .emote_profile
Profile file supplied on command line
The profile file name can also be included as a command line argument:
emote --profile alt_profile.json <command> ...
Credentials on command line
A username and password (and optionally a server URL) can be supplied on the command line:
--password, -p Emotive password
--username, -u Emotive username
--server, -s Emotive server URL [default: "http://mms.emotive.com"]
Starting with the lowest precedence, each source of credential described above overrides the ones before it. So the precedence is:
- Username and password as command line parameters
- Profile file on command line
- "profile.json" in project
- .emote_profile
emote create <project_name> --template <template_name> --model <model_file.json>
Create a new Emotive project in the current directory. <project_name> is the name is the directory created. Subdirectories for a model, apps, and proxies are created. If a template is provided, then an initial app is generated based on that template. Otherwise the "default" template is used. Some templates, including the "default" template require a model to be provided in JSON format.
emote create myproject --template usgs
This uses the "usgs" template to generate an app based on the US Geological Survey earthquake database. A model, a proxy that fetches data from the USGS feed, and an app to display the data are generated into a directory called "myproject".
Here is a second example:
emote create myproject --model model.json
Where model.json contains:
"types": {
This will use the "default" template to create a basic project with a model containing two CDM types: "vehicle" and "route". A skeleton of a proxy is generated that produced objects of those types filled with dummy values. No apps are generated.
emote deploy <optional_parameters>
The "deploy" command works within any subdirectory of a project. With no parameters, "deploy" will deploy the model, the proxies, and all the apps from the project directory. In order to limit the deployment, add a parameter of "model", "proxy", or "app". "proxy" will deploy all the proxies, unless it is further limited by providing a proxy name.
emote deploy proxy usgs
Will deploy the "usgs" proxy that was generated into your project.
Note that until a project has been deployed, the MMS cloud service (at mms.emotive.com) has no knowledge of the project. By deploying the generated project, the app is made available to users.
This removes objects that have been deployed. E.g.
emote undeploy app <app_id>
Removes the app identifies by <app_id>.
Undeploy is currently implemented only for app, model, and theme.
Undeploying a model, e.g.
emote undeploy model
Removes the CdmExternalSystem definitions for the tenant and all bindings to those external systems. It does not remove any CdmType's that were part of the model, but those types will no longer be bound to an external system.
The add command is like the create command, but it just pulls the specified part of a given template and adds it to your project.
emote add branding theme default
This take the default "theme" from the "branding" template and adds it to your project.
emote log <start time> <end time> [--tail] [--local] [--csv]
This displays the log file for your proxy running on the MMS server. The "start time" indicates the stamp of the earliest message to show. It can be specified in several formats.
- GMT specified as ISO 8601:
- Local time specified as ISO 8601 and including the offset to the timezone:
- Local time, assuming your current timezone (the quotes are required):
"2012-09-13 10:30:00"
- Relative time (as in, "starting 5 minutes ago"):
- Relative time (as in, "starting 2 hours ago"):
If you specify just the "start time" you will get all the log entries that have been recorded since that time until the current moment. If you specify an "end time" as well, you will only see those records between "start" and "end".
You can add the "--tail" option which will show all the records from the "start time" to the present, and then periodically append new log records as they arrive. (If you specify "--tail" with no "start time" it will assume you wanted "5m".)
The output is normally shown with GMT timestamps, but if you add the "--local" option the timestamps will be converted to your local time zone (and the times will have an "L" appended to remind you it's not GMT).
The output is normally designed to be human-readable, but you can specify the "--csv" option and the output will be written in CSV format so it could be fed into another program.
Some common examples:
Show the log data for the previous 5 minutes then tail the log to show new output as it arrives:
emote log --tail
Show the log data for the previous 2 minutes then tail the log to show new output as it arrives, converting the timestamps to local time:
emote log 2m --tail --local
Show the log data for a certain date from 9 to 10 am in the local time zone, output in CSV format:
emote log "2012-09-13 09:00:00" "2012-09-13 10:00:00" --csv
This command will download a previously deployed artifact from the MMS cloud service and save as files in your project directory. Currently thus is only implemented for apps. The form of the command is:
emote download app <appId>
emote download app usgs
Will download the app with ID "usgs" from you tentant and add it to your current project. Note that your current project is based on your current directory.
This takes a parameter which is the name of a file containing JSON for an Array of MMS REST requests. It submits the requests to MMS synchronously, as a series, and logs the REST responses to stdout.
emote exec myfile.json
Where myfile.json contains:
{"op":"SELECT", "targetType":"CdmExternalSystem"}
Will select a list of the External Systems for your tenant which are registered with MMS and print it to stdout.
emote getWsdl subproject wsdlUrl service port [username password]
Specify service and port by their simple (unqualified) names. username and password are the credentials (if any) needed to read the WSDL. subproject is the name of the subproject you wish to create.
This is the first step in creating a SOAP-service-based subproject. It will fetch the WSDL for a web service and create three files in your project's /model directory:
- wsdl.json contains a JSON version of the web service's definitions.
- wsdlOps.json contains a list of the web service's operations.
- proxyConfig.json allows you to configure the connection from the generated proxy to toe target SOAP service.
wsdlOps.json determined which web service operations will be part of the generated subproject. Originally, all of the operations are disabled (set to false.) Before generating, edit this file to set the desired operations to "true".
proxyConfig.json will optionally pass these connection properties to the generated proxy. (By default, all are set to null, so the default behavior applies.)
- By default, the proxy will expect to find the SOAP service at the soapAddress given in the WSDL port. If this is incorrect, set the soapAddress property in proxyConfig.json to the correct service endpoint URL.
- By default, no HTTP[S] authentication is used when talking to the SOAP service. If basic authentication is required, set the user name and password in proxyConfig.json.
After editing these two files, use the generateFromWsdl command to generate your subproject.
emote generateFromWsdl subproject
This will generate a SOAP-service-based subproject. Before running this, you must use the getWsdl command to load WSDL-based definitions into your subproject.
emote undeploy theme [themeName]
This will undeploy the theme with the supplied name (defaults to "default" if themeName is omitted).
emote undeploy app taskletId
This will undeploy the application with the supplied taskletId (which is the unique identifier by which an application known).
emote undeploy app ec-HelloWorld
Running standalone tests for a proxy
A project template may generate tests. These will be a in test directory under your project. If you modify proxy code, it is helpful to run a standalone test of the proxy to make sure it works before deploying it. This is all done with node.js from the command line, and you should feel free to read and modify the code for both the proxy and the test.
In order to run the test, you must first start your proxy in standalone mode. Example:
$ pwd
$ echo "{}" | node proxy/usgs/index.js
port: 9000
Server listening at URL http://localhost:9000
Will exit after 300000ms idle time.
This starts the proxy in a terminal window. Note that "echo" is used to pass an initial configuration to the proxy, which is a empty object in this case. This provides the configuration that the proxy will get from MMS when it started within the MMS cloud service. The proxy will time out and automatically shut down after it has received no requests for five minutes. You can restart or terminate the standalone proxy at any time.
Now in another terminal, run the test. You must include the URL at which the proxy is running as a parameter:
$ node test/index.js http://localhost:9000
893 results returned. Truncating to show the first two.
test response is: { targetType: 'RestResult',
status: 'SUCCESS',
count: 893,
[ { mag: 1,
place: '21km N of Borrego Springs, California',
time: 1344457079,
tz: -420,
url: '/earthquakes/eventpage/ci15189473',
felt: null,
cdi: null,
mmi: null,
alert: null,
status: 'AUTOMATIC',
tsunami: null,
sig: '15',
net: 'ci',
code: '15189473',
ids: ',ci15189473,',
sources: ',ci,',
types: ',general-link,general-link,geoserve,nearby-cities,origin,scitech-link,',
id: 'ci15189473',
longitude: -116.3642,
latitude: 33.4518,
depth: 8.6 },
{ mag: 1.1,
place: '6km W of Cobb, California',
time: 1344456943,
tz: -420,
url: '/earthquakes/eventpage/nc71828581',
felt: null,
cdi: null,
mmi: null,
alert: null,
status: 'AUTOMATIC',
tsunami: null,
sig: '19',
net: 'nc',
code: '71828581',
ids: ',nc71828581,',
sources: ',nc,',
types: ',general-link,general-link,geoserve,nearby-cities,origin,',
id: 'nc71828581',
longitude: -122.7953,
latitude: 38.8262,
depth: 3.3 } ] }
Tests completed.
This confirms that the example proxy is successfully fetching earthquake data from the USGS feed.
Using the Saleforce template
The Salesforce template creates an example Saleforce app. You can use the generated project as a starting point to create apps that access your Salesforce data.
To generate the example Saleforce project:
$ emote create myproject --template salesforceLead
Stub code for the proxy
There is a built-in proxy for integrating with Salesforce. When using the Saleforce proxy, you will not need to write or modify your own proxy code. You will need to supply a special model for your Salesforce project. This model will create a configuration for your project that will instruct the Salesforce proxy to retrieve data for the objects and fields you need for your app.
In the generated project, there is a proxy called Salesforce. It contains stub code that pulls in the prebuilt Saleforce integration. The code in index.js contain just one line:
That starts the Saleforce proxy. In package.json, there is a dependency on sfproxy:
"sfproxy" : "http://download.emotive.com/toolkit/tip/sfproxy.tgz"
That causes the prebuilt Saleforce proxy to be included in the "node_modules" directory.
The Saleforce model
In the model/Salesforce directory there are two files, creds.json and salesforce.json.
creds.json contains your Saleforce credentials:
"username":"[email protected]",
In your Salesforce account, you will need to enable API access for your username, and obtain an API token.
Saleforce Objects
The saleforce.json file contains a list of just the Objects and the field from those object that you plan on using in your app.
For example,
"Lead": {
"target": "Lead",
"properties": {
"Name": true,
"Email": true,
"Phone": true,
"Company": true,
"Description": true
"Document": {
"target": "Document",
"properties": {
"Name": true,
"Body": true,
"ContentType": true
This causes CDM types to be created to hold a subset of the field from the Lead and Document objects in Salesforce. The proxy will be automatically configured to retrieve those objects from Salesforce when you query the CDM from your app.