Simple CLI to easily add and commit multiple files with a custom message and emoji support
Simple CLI to easily add and commit multiple files with a custom message and emoji support
Select multiples files to add or commit from the terminal is not very ~~sexy~~. Moreover, using emojis on commit messages provides an easy way of identifying the purpose or intention of a commit with only looking at the emojis used. That's why I decided to create a command line to make this process easy.
🚀 How to use it
Install emogit as a global package
$ npm i -g emogit-cli
Have fun
$ emogit add # add multiple untracked files in what will be committed
$ emogit commit # commit multiple files with an emoji and a custom message
$ emogit creative # open emoji cheat sheet in your default browser
🛠 Prior installation
You have to download Node.js
🙌🏻 Contribute
Contributing to emogit-cli it's a piece of 🍰. You want to add an emoji to the list ? You have an idea about a new feature ? Fork the repo, do your stuff and open a pull request ! You can also report a problem or a suggestion by opening an issue.