real-time C.I written in node.js by Yipit.com. in unstable alpha
this is a build server made to be real-time, fast and dead simple to use. In other words, this was made to be cool :)
install node.js
I recommend using the node version manager so that you can have as many node.js versions you want and switch among them pretty easily.
if you don't have node.js and npm installed already, run the commands below:
git clone git://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm
echo 'source $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh' >> $HOME/.bash_profile
. $HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh
the snippet above must be run only once, but the one below you can do as many times you want
nvm install v0.6.10
nvm use v0.6.10
nvm alias default v0.6.10
install redis
$ brew install redis
Ubuntu and other Debian-ish GNU/Linux distros
$ sudo apt-get install redis-server
Forget it, bro. This CI server is cool, so it will NOT run on windows. Sorry about that :)
install emerald
$ npm install -g emerald
running it
$ emerald run
other options
you can pass the -s
or --settings
parameter to the emerald
command line parameter, this will cause emerald to import the settings from the file and merge them over the default settings
below is a full description of all the options, if you want to write your own settings file, you can pretty much copy and paste the code below and add your own fine tune:
please consider $EMERALD_ROOT$
as the path that npm installed emerald for you when you ran npm install -g emerald
module.exports = {
LOG_LEVEL: 3, /* refer to log levels in the README */
SHUT_UP: false, /* when true emerald will produce absolutely NO logging output. It is used internally when emerald needs to run functional tests against the builtin server */
GIT_POLL_INTERVAL: 3000, /* 60.000 miliseconds = 1 second */
EMERALD_HOSTNAME: 'localhost',
EMERALD_DOMAIN: 'http://localhost:3000', /* used internally to prefix links */
current_build: "emerald:current-build", /* the key that will hold the current build */
build_queue: "emerald:build-queue" /* the key that will hold the build queue */
EMERALD_PATH: "~/.emerald", /* where emerald will store builds and metadata */
SANDBOX_PATH: "~/.emerald/builds", /* the folder where emerald will store its builds, it can be set through the environment variable EMERALD_SANDBOX_PATH */
LOCAL_FILE: function(...){}, /* please NEVER overwrite this function, it is used internally and you don't wanna mess up with that. Word. */
VIEW_PATH: "$EMERALD_ROOT$/public/app/server/html", /* where emerald will search for swig templates */
CLIENT_PATH: "$EMERALD_ROOT$/app/client", /* the path where the backbone part of emerald is implemented */
BACKBONE_VIEW_PATH: "$EMERALD_ROOT$/app/client/html", /* where emerald will search for backbone view templates */
SCRIPT_PATH: "$EMERALD_ROOT$/app/terminal/main.js", /* the path for the emerald CLI, you won't need to change it. Please don't even try :) */
PID_PATH: PID_PATH, /* fullpath for the PIDFILE that emerald will use when running as a daemon */
STDOUT_PATH: STDOUT_PATH, /* fullpath for the STDOUT file that emerald will write when running as a daemon */
STDERR_PATH: STDERR_PATH /* fullpath for the STDERR file that emerald will write when running as a daemon */
"hands on" hack guide
install the dependencies
1. node v0.6.10
2. npm 1.1.0-3
3. redis... just make sure it's running
4. global dependencies
npm install -g vows jshint
5. local dependencies
just run
npm install
*and should be enough to install all the dependencies in package.json
set up the pre-commit hook:
cd path/to/emerald
ln -s .development/pre-commit-hook .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
this is the result of activating the pre-commit hook:
run the tests!
unit tests
make unit
functional tests
make functional
or... run them all together
npm test
run the server!
npm start
fixtures for testing locally
make data
Dependencies and its explanations
It's our persistency layer on redis, this lib an active record by Yipit.com you can see its documentation at github
Mostly used for pub/sub and queue management, and connect-redis sessions, although we also explicitly declare it as the first connection in our models
clay.js configuration.
express / socket.io / connect-redis
The web layer: express is the webserver, socket.io, in turn, is for real-time pushes to the clients. Connect-redis is a redis-backed session storage for express.
jade / less
Jade is a beautiful and shorthand template language, and less a shorthand styling language that has powers beyond just CSS.
this lib is like a polyfill for manipulating javascript objects with shorthand functions.
This awesome library allows us to organize the web app a lot better by providing MVC support on the client side. It doesn't mean all our client-side models are persisted on the server, they just leverage how the views should update themselves.
it's our flow-control library. Helps avoiding too much callback soup in our code.
colors / mkdirp
colors helps us making the terminal feedback less boring by logging with color-formated output. mkdirp is just for creating directories recursively.
testing: vows and should
if you want to hack on emerald's code, then you're gonna need vows in order to run the tests which are written under the DSL provided by should.js
sketch of how this should work:
Server actors
As you can notice Emerald's compound has not only a HTTP server but also a few workers that runs in parallel to it:
This guy subscribes to a set of meaningful signals sent to the redis pub/sub, deserializes it into JSON objects and broadcasts to all the socket.io connected clients.
In other words it captures all the server-side events and send to the connected clients so that the UI can be updated in real time.
Queue consumer
It's basically a structured callback passed to setInterval
with the
as the interval param. So it sits there
checking if there is a build already running, if not it gets the next
instruction id to be build from the queue (if any instructions there)
and spawns a Build Runner for that given instruction
The build queue is to a redis
in which the key is
by default, but can be configured through
The Build Runner also sets a lock in Redis so that it doesn't run
parallel builds, avoiding builds to violate each other's environment.
After a build is finished it unsets the lock (key emerald:current-build
If the queue is locked, then it just yields by doing nothing :D
Build Runner
Is an object that is instantiated with a models.Build() object as parameter, the it actually do build-related stuff:
- git clone/pull
- run the build script
- send the appropriate events to the redis pub/sub (i.e:
BuildInstruction enqueued
,BuildInstruction created
,Repository being fetched
, so on...)
At this point you are probably asking yourself how can the Build Runner possibly take a build as instance since the runner is supposed to create it itself. Just take a look here and you will see that server.models.BuildInstruction
instances have a run
method that gets called by the queue consumer
Server-side events are sent to the clients
Since emerald was built with "real-time UI" in mind, its architecture is all event-based.
In other words the server actors publish events to the redis pub/sub, those events have JSON metadata serialized into it, so that the orchestrator sends those events to the socket.io clients which translates the events into Backbone model instances events.
This is basically how emerald's user interface looks like it's alive :D
Those are the current events that are handled by socket.io:
BuildInstruction created
BuildInstruction edited
BuildInstruction enqueued
BuildInstruction deleted
Repository started fetching
Repository finished fetching
Repository being fetched
Build started
Build finished
Build aborted
Build stdout
Build stderr
Build output
Build running
General error
Emerald is released under GNU Affero General Public License version 3
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.