Inline README's for repl goodness
Inline README's for repl goodness.
npm install emdee --save
Create a README in source.
var obj = {};
obj.README = function() {/*
## Sneaky way to do free text accessable in source
You'll **notice** this is *markdown*
[can't click](http://in/the/console/tho...)
// Run emdee conversion.
var emdee = require('emdee');
emdee(obj, {
paths: [
// 'nested/deeper/README',
// 'myObjectInstance/myFunction' // use with suffix
// suffix: '.README'
The obj.README
function has now been converted to a property and will
render the markdown to console upon accessing.
repl> obj.README
- Array of object paths. Each should point directly to a readme function as outlined above.
- Creates
path/to/function.README' if
suffix = '.README'` (nests with first .) - The suffix, if present, applies to all paths.
- __Note that although the suffix supports nesting a readme onto a function, the parser that converts the function into a readme assumes the function is always exactly like this:
function() {/*
### readme body
In other words, a much cleverer parser needs to be made.
One that can pick out the comments from among the code.
And other stuff.
This is a rabbit hole.
Make magic...
p.s. The parser is exported, you can change it before calling emdee()
p.s. If this leads you to making something awesome, please let me know,
i might like to use it.
### why does it use '/' instead of '.' as the path delimiter?
It's a hint://