Simple blogging with node/iojs + GitHub
Simple blogging with node/iojs + GitHub.
The project goals/plans include:
- simple node/iojs-based blog management system with minimal dependencies:
- asynquence: async flow control
- (possibly) native promise only: ES6 promise polyfill, for interaction with other libs, and/or to replace asynquence
- grips: html & css templating
- markdown rendering
- git/GitHub/oauth
- no database:
- data persistence is either in local git, or (preferably) remote git/GitHub
- user/auth is GitHub accounts
- post content:
- authored in markdown
- stored/versioned in git/GitHub/gist.github
- publishing can be "staged" via git branching
- automation handled via git hooks
- by default, all posts can be "forked" from the blog software with a "fork this" button on post; allows access to source markdown to any user
- comments stored in gist.github:
- private gist per post, for comment thread
- (admin) comment approval workflow promotes from gist comment to static cache file (per post)
- simple html/text and css templating:
- simple default theme(s)
- custom themes
- incremental/partial caching in static files
- site architecture:
- simple "middle end" adaptive hybrid techniques
- server-side templating renders initial page view
- client-side templating takes over, renders all pages in SPA-style
- client performance monitoring, middle-end can disable client-side rendering and fall back to server-side if needed
- admin tools:
- permissions driven by GitHub user settings
- all settings changes made either alter the code or JSON config files
- blog authoring can (should) be done externally, and admin tools just ingest/publish from git/GitHub source
The code and all the documentation are released under the MIT license.