A component wrapper for SimpleMDE markdown editor
A wrapper around the SimpleMDE editor for use in ember-cli projects, it provides a component simple-mde
to show the editor, and a helper to show the rendered html simple-mde-preview
you can check this on the dummy app application template.
Usage on ember project
Install with
ember install ember-simplemde
Use the component with:
// Controller theValue: "This is a test of **simpleMDE**"
{{simple-mde value=theValue change=(action (mut theValue))}}
Use the helper like this:
{{simple-mde-preview theValue}}
Passing options to simpleMDE
ember-simplemde supports all options that SimpleMDE supports.
full list of all simpleMde options
You can pass options through to the simpleMDE instance in two ways.
Define Options in your ember config that will be applied to all simpleMDE instances
You can pass global options that will be applied to all editors via the consuming apps config/environment
with a property called simpleMDE
. For example, if you wanted to remove the toolbar from all instances:
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
simpleMDE: {
toolbar: false,
... any simpleMDE options go here
Note on toolbar options action handlers: If you are customizing the simpleMDE toolbar options from the consuming apps config, simpleMDE needs you to pass toolbar option action handlers as function references. In ember configs, we can only express these function references as strings. Ember-simplemde has a mechanism in place to unpack these strings as function references against the window.SimpleMDE global. So, if you are expressing a custom toolbar option from your consuming apps config, pass the toolbar action handlers as strings. If you are passing options to the instance and not using your ember/config you can use function reference's/definitions like normal.
For example, the action handler below will be unpacked against the window as
module.exports = function(environment) {
var ENV = {
simpleMDE: {
toolbar: [
name: 'bold',
action: 'SimpleMDE.toggleBold',
className: 'fa fa-bold',
title: 'Bold'
Define options on the individual editor instance
You can pass instance options via the simple-mde components options
attribute. The options attribute will overwrite global options via ember.assign
so if you want instance options to squash global options you can use this. An example of this is in the tests/dummy/app/application.hbs
and the corresponding application controller.
{{simple-mde value=value options=simpleMdeOptions}}
Note: This options parameter is NOT watched. Changing it during runtime will not change the instance properties.
git clone https://github.com/smith-carson/ember-simplemde.git
cd ember-simplemde
npm install
bower install
npm run lint:hbs
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js -- --fix
Running tests
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
Running the dummy application
ember serve
- Visit the dummy application at http://localhost:4200.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://ember-cli.com/.