Short Number abbreviation
Short number formatting based on CLDR locale data. Particularly useful for statistical data, showing financial numbers in charts, and abbreviating number of ratings across a range of languages.
is converted to1K
in English101234
is converted to101K
in English and101.1K
if need 1 significant digit1234
is converted to1 mil
in Espanol101234
is converted to101,1 mil
in Espanol if need 1 significant digit1234
is converted to1234
in Japanese
Utilizes cldr-numbers-full. Here is the related proposal for Compact Decimal Format that this addon is based on. This is why there are no browser API's baked into something like Intl.NumberFormat
Lastly, this work has been built into ember-intl as of version 4.0.0-beta.6 if you also use an internationalization library. See docs for more details.
ember install ember-short-number
Provide list of language codes applicable to your app in your environment.js
file. See ISO 639-1 for more information.
If not provided, we will include the data for all CLDR number formatting options in your app. IMPORTANT - this adds ~28KB gzipped to your app so be sure to include all the languages you care about.
let ENV = {
'ember-short-number': {
locales: ['en', 'es'],
threshold: 0.05 // default
This configuration option decides when to round up the formatted number. So if you pass 95001, ember-short-number
will output 100K. However, if you pass 94999, you will get back 95K.
The following APIs take the language code as the the second argument based on ISO 639-1. You can also pass en_GB
and we will normalize it to en-GB
as well.
Template Helper
{{short-number 19634 "en"}}
// 19K
{{short-number 19634 "en" significantDigits=1}}
// 19.6K
{{short-number 19634 "es" significantDigits=1}}
// 19,6 mil
{{short-number 19634 "es-MX" significantDigits=1}}
// 19.6 k
{{short-number 101K "en" significantDigits=1 financialFormat=true}}
// 0.1M
Service API
this.shortNumber.format(19634, 'en');
// 19K
this.shortNumber.format(19634, 'en', { significantDigits: 1, minimumFractionDigits: 1, maximumFractionDigits: 2 });
// 19.6K
this.shortNumber.format(101, 'en', { significantDigits: 1, financialFormat: true });
// 0.1M
this.shortNumber.format(19634, 'ja');
// 2万
this.shortNumber.format(19634, 'es', { significantDigits: 1 });
// 19,6 mil
- Note when using significantDigits, this addon utilizes
Long Formatting
"Wait, I thought this addon was for compact number formatting?" Well it can be a misnomer depending on the language. Let's look at some examples.
This doesn't seem shorter!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
this.shortNumber.format(101000, 'en', { long: true });
// 101 thousand
But this does! ʘ‿ʘ
this.shortNumber.format(101000, 'ja', { long: true });
// 101万
So we will just go with ember-short-number
for now.
Currently this only shortens with latin digits 0..9
For your information, known number systems include:
[adlm, ahom, arab, arabext, armn, armnlow, bali, beng, bhks, brah, cakm, cham, cyrl, deva, ethi, fullwide, geor, grek, greklow, gujr, guru, hanidays, hanidec, hans, hansfin, hant, hantfin, hebr, hmng, java, jpan, jpanfin, kali, khmr, knda, lana, lanatham, laoo, latn, lepc, limb, mathbold, mathdbl, mathmono, mathsanb, mathsans, mlym, modi, mong, mroo, ...]
git clone [email protected]:snewcomer/ember-short-number.git
cd ember-short-number
npm install
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js -- --fix
Running tests
ember test
– Runs the test suite on the current Ember versionember test --server
– Runs the test suite in "watch mode"ember try:each
– Runs the test suite against multiple Ember versions
Running the dummy application
ember serve
- Visit the dummy application at http://localhost:4200.
For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.