Ember addon for KioskBoard virtual kiosk keyboard library.
Ember addon for KioskBoard virtual kiosk keyboard library.
- Ember.js v3.28 or above
- Ember CLI v3.28 or above
- Node.js v14 or above
ember install ember-kioskboard
You can change all global configuration settings via config/environment.js
Please check KioskBoard site for more configuration details.
ENV['ember-kioskboard'] = {
* Required
* Have to define an Array of Objects for the custom keys. Hint: Each object creates a row element (HTML) on the keyboard.
* e.g. [{"key":"value"}, {"key":"value"}] => [{"0":"A","1":"B","2":"C"}, {"0":"D","1":"E","2":"F"}]
keysArrayOfObjects: null,
* Required only if "keysArrayOfObjects" is "null".
* The path of the "${language}-key.json" file must be set to the "keysJsonUrl" option. (XMLHttpRequest to getting the keys from JSON file.)
* All language key files will move to public folder after install this addon automatically. So you yan use the file like 'english-keys.json' etc.
keysJsonUrl: null,
* Optional: (Special Characters Object)* Can override default special characters object with the new/custom one.
* e.g. {"key":"value", "key":"value", ...} => {"0":"#", "1":"$", "2":"%", "3":"+", "4":"-", "5":"*"}
specialCharactersObject: null,
// Optional: (Other Options)
// Language Code (ISO 639-1) for custom keys (for language support) => e.g. "en" || "tr" || "es" || "de" || "fr" etc.
language: 'en',
// The theme of keyboard => "light" || "dark" || "flat" || "material" || "oldschool"
theme: 'light',
// Uppercase or lowercase to start. Uppercase when "true"
capsLockActive: true,
// Allow or prevent real/physical keyboard usage. Prevented when "false"
allowRealKeyboard: false,
// v1.1.0 and the next versions
// Allow or prevent mobile keyboard usage. Prevented when "false"
allowMobileKeyboard: false,
// CSS animations for opening or closing the keyboard
cssAnimations: true,
// CSS animations duration as millisecond
cssAnimationsDuration: 360,
// CSS animations style for opening or closing the keyboard => "slide" || "fade"
cssAnimationsStyle: 'slide',
// Allow or deny Spacebar on the keyboard. The keyboard is denied when "false"
keysAllowSpacebar: true,
// Text of the space key (spacebar). Without text => " "
keysSpacebarText: 'Space',
// Font family of the keys
keysFontFamily: 'sans-serif',
// Font size of the keys
keysFontSize: '22px',
// Font weight of the keys
keysFontWeight: 'normal',
// Size of the icon keys
keysIconSize: '25px',
Default configuration
<KioskBoard @keysJsonUrl='english-keys.json' />
All default configuration parameters
(hash 0='A' 1='B' 2='C')
(hash 0='D' 1='E' 2='F')
(hash 0='G' 1='H' 2='I')
See the Contributing guide for details. I'm sorry that i don't have time to write tests. Please report if you find any issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.