Fullscreen API packaged as an Ember service.
Fullscreen API packaged as an Ember service.
ember-fullscreen uses Screenfull for the all the Fullscreen API calls. This means that ember-fullscreen will work on every browser that supports fullscreen API/screenfull: http://caniuse.com/fullscreen
Check minimal demo.
ember-fullscreen is an ember-cli addon. Just run the install command on your ember-cli project:
ember install ember-fullscreen
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.
Inject the service anywhere you need it by adding fullscreen: Ember.inject.service()
. The fullscreen service has the following properties and methods:
- A boolean that represents whether you are allowed to enter fullscreen..isEnabled
- A boolean that represents whether you are in fullscreen mode..enable()
- Enters fullscreen mode. Accepts a DOM element. Default is<html>
. If called with another element than the currently active, it will switch to that if it's a decendant. Yes, you can make DOM elements fullscreen..disable()
- Disables fullscreen mode..toggle()
- Enables fullscreen mode if not active, disables if active. Also accepts an optional DOM element..on('error', ...)
- Fullscreen service includes Ember.Evented mixin. When a fullscreen request fails, ember-fullscreen triggers anerror
event..on('fullscreenChange', ...)
- When the fullscreen state changes, ember-fullscreen notifies the newisEnabled
Create a button in your controller with an action that toggles fullscreen mode:
export default Controller.extend({
fullscreen: service(),
actions: {
toggleFullscreen() {
Use it on your templates to conditionally render depending on a boolean:
{{#if fullscreen.isEnabled}}
I'm fullscreen
I'm NOT fullscreen
Only display a button to enter fullscreen if the browser supports it:
{{#if fullscreen.isAvailable}}
<button onclick={{action "toggleFullscreen"}}>
Toggle fullscreen
A simple component that sets its own element to fullscreen on click:
export default Component.extend({
fullscreen: service(),
click() {
Bind an icon class depending on wether we're in fullscreen:
{{!-- Uses font-awesome --}}
<i class="{{if fullscreen.isEnabled "fa-compress" "fa-expand"}}"></i>