Addon to create a front ember application connected to a GraphQL API
Generator based on Yeoman in a Ember project based on a graphQL schema.
- yeoman
npm install -g yeoman
- ember
npm install -g ember
- A valid graphQL schema (see supported graphQL featured here)
- aws cli
- An AWS Account set up and configured on your machine ( best if you use the aws-cli to configure with
aws configure
command) - A Cognito User group set up (see AWS Cognito)
Get the project and install its dependencies
git clone https://gitlab.ippon.fr/abenhamida/generator-graphql-ember
cd generator-graphql-ember
npm install
Link the project to your local node_modules folder
npm link
Using npm
Not available yet
Generate your Ember application
ember new <your-app-name>
[FIX Form Bug] : Change version in package.json of "ember-source" as follow :
"ember-source": "~3.14.1"
Put "ember-client-gamechanger" in devDependencies of package.json file.
"ember-client-gamechanger": "*"
Delete package-lock.json file.
Install dependencies with the option offline :
npm install --prefer-offline
Run the addon default blueprint
ember g ember-client-gamechanger
Generate the application for your GraphQL schema
ember g graphql-import <directory>/yourSchema.graphql
Now we need to do some setup to connect our client app to the AWS cloud services
API Gateway
- If you set up your graphQL server using out generator-aws-server-gamechanger tool, you can use the URL obtained in your constants file.
- If you want to go into the mirage mode, in project/app/config/environment.js, change the statement on line 27 like :
ENV['ember-cli-mirage'] = {enabled: true};
- Else, just use your own API endpoint. You must use the same graphQL schema in your server than the one you used here.
Cognito Service
Fill up the file <your-app-name>/config/environnement.js
- If you set up your graphQL server using out generator-aws-server-gamechanger tool, you can use the URL obtained in your cognito file.
- Else, use the following info from your Cognito User Pool :
: General settings > Pool IdclientId
: App integration > App client settings > ID
Now we can run the app
ember serve
See the result on http://loacalhost:4200
(Optional) Adding some entities
Generate the entity with the following syntax
ember g entity-factory <entityName> fieldSimple:<type> fieldRelation:<relation-type>:typeRelation
fieldSimple : the name of your field with a simple type.
With type that can be : string
, int
, boolean
fieldRelation : the name of your field with a relation type.
With relation-type that can be : belongs-to
, has-many
typeRelation : the name of the other entity which is link by this relation.
Modify some files by adding some lines:
- mirage/scenarios/default.js
import create<EntityName> from './<entity-name>'
- mirage/config.js
import config<EntityName> from "./config-<entity-name>"
else if (/query <entitiesName>/.test(body)) {
return { "data": { <entitiesName>: config<EntityName>(schema, null, isPlural) } }
else if (/query <entityName>/.test(body)) {
return { "data": { <entityName>: config<EntityName>(schema, bodyJSON, !isPlural) } }
- app/templates/display-models.hbs
<li class="rr-list-item">
<LinkTo @route="display-<entity-name>" class="rr-header-link">EntityName</LinkTo>
- app/router.js
this.route('display-<entity-name>', function() {});
How to use it
When you launch your application, you need to connect with Cognito. By default, the account is : login : [email protected] pasword : password
You can create users on AWS console.
When you are connected, you have a sidebar on the left with 3 parts :
- Home : Home page (display the graphQL schema)
- Tables : Page which manage table (create tables in database and create fake data)
- Models : In this part it will have all entities of your graphQL schema.
Before accessing to models you need to create tables. On the Tables page you have a button for create Tables. If he doesn't appear, you haven't put the endpoint. See section "Usage" -> "From a graphql Schema" -> 3.
Deployment on AWS
- Go in terraform folder and execute :
terraform init
terraform apply
It will create Bucket S3.
- Go in the file .env and put
AWS_KEY and AWS_SECRET (which are your ids of connection)
- Execute the command :
ember deploy staging --verbose
- Now you can access to staging app or production app with URLs in terraform/ids.txt If there isn't any url in terraform/ids.txt, follow these steps :
- Go on the AWS console for CloudFront
- Find your deployment (with ID for example)
- Get the URL in the column "Origin"