Mapbox map component for Ember.js web apps.
This addon is a go-to solution to include and configure Mapbox.js library into Ember and easily use it as a native component.
ember install ember-cli-mapbox-map
Initial configuration
In order to make this addon work properly for you, you need to define accessToken and mapId in your config/environment.js:
ENV['mapbox'] = {
Using mapbox as a component
Include mapbox component in any template where you would like to display a map.
Mapbox map customization
The component provides you with a lot of attributes that you can change to customize the map and its data.
Map controls
This property is used to display default Mapbox attributions at the bottom corner on the map. Defaults to true. Pass false if you don't want to display Mapbox and OpenStreetMap mentions.
{{mapbox-map attributionControl=false}}
This property is used to display zoom controls on the map. Defaults to true. Pass false if you don't want to display zoom controls.
{{mapbox-map zoomControl=false}}
Map model
The component has its own model, like your Ember.Route. This model is data which contains markers in GeoJSON format to display on the map. You should pass to model property a path on your API, where mapbox component can grab markers from.
Passing remote path of model to a component
{{mapbox-map model='/markers'}}
will result into querying to http://yourdomain.com/markers.
{{mapbox-map model='http://anotherdomain.com/markers'}}
will result into query to http://anotherdomain.com/markers.
Passing model directly to a component
You can also get markers from your backend API or any other location in model hook on your route and then pass this loaded model into a component.
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.store.findAll('marker');
And then pass to a markers property on a component.
{{mapbox-map markers=model}}
Or if you have defined marker in the property on your controller:
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
markers: {
// ...
You can then pass controller's property to a component:
{{mapbox-map markers=markers}}
Icon customization of the marker
If you have custom image for marker, then you can specify it in mapbox-map
component and it automatically will replace default icons with your shiny ones. By default, customIcons property is false.
{{mapbox-map customIcons=true}}
Custom popup content
You can also customize the way your template is displayed inside popups when you click on a marker. In order to do this, you should define popupContent property on your controller and pass it to the mapbox-map
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
popupContent: function(marker) {
return '<h1>Hello</h1>' +
'<strong>Name:</strong> ' +
marker.feature.properties.title +
'<br/><strong>Address:</strong> ' + marker.feature.properties.description +
'<br/><span style="color:red;">This is a red text.</span>';
{{mapbox-map popupContent=popupContent}}
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
Running Tests
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.