Ember CLI Deploy plugin to trigger a new deployment on ASW OpsWorks.
An ember-cli-plugin to create an AWS OpsWorks deployment
This ember-cli-deploy plugin is no longer maintained. If you'd like to take it over, ping me and I'll transfer ownership.
What is an ember-cli-deploy plugin?
A plugin is an addon that can be executed as a part of the ember-cli-deploy pipeline. A plugin will implement one or more of the ember-cli-deploy's pipeline hooks.
For more information on what plugins are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.
Quick Start
To get up and running quickly, do the following:
Ensure ember-cli-deploy-build is installed and configured.
Install this plugin
$ ember install ember-cli-deploy-opsworks
- Run the pipeline
$ ember deploy
ember-cli-deploy Hooks Implemented
For detailed information on what plugin hooks are and how they work, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.
Configuration Options
For detailed information on how configuration of plugins works, please refer to the Plugin Documentation.
Place the following configuration into config/deploy.js
ENV.opsworks = {
stackId: process.env.AWS_STACK_ID,
appId: process.env.AWS_APP_ID,
accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_KEY,
secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET