The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
Similar to the functionality of ember-cli-deploy-redis, but uses Fastly edge dictionaries as the key-value store. You will likely want to pair this addon with an addon like ember-cli-deploy-redis so that your development and staging environments also have access to your uploaded index files.
What are Fastly Edge Dictionaries?
Fastly is a CDN. Edge Dictionaries are a simple key-value store that you can access via the Fastly API. You can reference the values stored in an edge dictionary in VCL - the configuration language used to control Fastly's custom version of Varnish.
Example Configuration (simplified)
With the example configuration, requests to /my/app/route
won't need to hit the origin server.
The synthetic
command available within the vcl_error
subroutine allows delivery of content defined in an edge dictionary. To use it, read the index content out of the edge dictionary and store it in a temporary header. Then use a custom error value to pass control to the vcl_error
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.url ~ "/my/app/route") {
set req.http.X-Content = table.lookup(my_app_edge_dictionary, "my-app-prefix:index");
error 910; # a custom error number to indicate `X-Content` should be used as the content
sub vcl_error {
if (obj.status == 910) {
set obj.status = 200;
set obj.http.Content-Type = "text/html";
synthetic req.http.X-Content;
Useful considerations when using edge dictionaries
limitations and considerations
- Dictionaries are limited to 1000 key-value pairs
- Keys are limited to 256 characters
- Values are limited to 8000 characters
- You must create a dictionary using the API to be able to manipulate it using the API
- You cannot use ESI behavior with content taken from a dictionary and delivered with