send mass email without setting up smtp server
send mass email without setting up smtp server
emialegg is a module for Node.js applications to email sending
Install with npm
npm install emailegg
Require in your scripts
const Emailegg = require('emailegg')
If you want to specify a local IP u can require like this
const egg = new Emailegg({
// Specifies your own ip address for the egg
localAddress: ''
- warning: localAddress IP must be bound to the local network card
You can also use dkim like this
const fs = require('fs')
const egg = new Emailegg({
// Specifies your own ip address for the egg
localAddress: '',
dkim: {
privateKey: fs.readFileSync('./dkim-private.pem', 'utf8'),
keySelector: 'mydomainkey'
You can send mail like this :
from: '[email protected]',
to: '[email protected]',
replyTo: '[email protected]',
subject: 'MailComposer sendmail',
html: 'Mail of test sendmail '
}, (errInfo, succInfo) => {
// You can set your own log by this callback
console.log(errInfo, succInfo)
succInfo and errInfo
succInfo and errInfo is an object
You can make your log like this
const fs = require('fs')
const moment = require('moment')
from: '[email protected]',
to: '[email protected]',
replyTo: '[email protected]',
subject: 'MailComposer sendmail',
html: 'Mail of test sendmail '
}, (errInfo, succInfo) => {
const dateName = `${moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD')}.log`;
if (errInfo) {
const {time,fromEmail,toEmail,mx,info,code,status} = errInfo
const data = [fromEmail,toEmail,mx,info,code,status].toString()
fs.appendFileSync(dateName, time + ',' + ' ' + data + '\r\n')
Mail Options
Note we use mailcomposer
to compose our mail before we send it out so all mail options will be well documented Here. But for those who want something particular go ahead and search down below.
E-mail message fields
Below are a list of the most used options for email fields. Please read the entire list of options here Here:
- from
- sender
- to
- cc
- bcc
- replyTo
- inReplyTo
- subject
- text
- html
You are also able to send attachents. Please review the list of properties here Here
In addition to text and HTML, any kind of data can be inserted as an alternative content of the main body. Please check that out Here
Address Formatting
All e-mail addresses can be formatted. Please check that out Here
SMTP envelope
SMTP envelope is usually auto generated from from
, to
, cc
and bcc
fields but you can change them Here
Using Embedded Images
Attachments can be used as embedded images in the HTML body. To use this feature, you need to set additional properties Here