Minimal, fully typesafe OpenID Elysia plugin for single page apps with stateless session management with JWT.
Minimal, fully typesafe OpenID Elysia plugin for single page apps with stateless session management with JWT.
Basic setup
bun add elysoid
// plugin/auth.ts
import { Static, t } from "elysia"
import { IdTokenPayload, auth as authPlugin } from "elysoid"
const SessionSchema = t.Object({
id: t.String(),
roles: t.Array(t.String())
}) // create any session schema that you need for your app
type Session = Static<typeof SessionSchema>
// type IdTokenPayload = { sub: string, email?: string, name?: string }
const login = async (payload: IdTokenPayload): Promise<Session | null> => {
// Get user from DB, based on "sub" (or create)
// - with all required data for session
// - return null if not authorized to login
return {
id: "1",
roles: [ "admin" ]
export const auth = authPlugin(SessionSchema, login)
// index.ts
import { Elysia, t } from "elysia"
import { AuthenticationError, AuthorizationError } from "elysoid"
import { auth } from "./plugin/auth"
const app = new Elysia()
.use(auth) // /social-login endpoint registered - see eden treaty below
.post("/api/demo", ({ body, user }) => { // user is typed as Session | null
if (!user)
throw new AuthenticationError() // handled, will return 401
if (!user.roles.includes("admin"))
throw new AuthorizationError() // handled, will return 403
return { msg: `${body.data} received from ${user.id}` }
body: t.Object({ data: t.String() }),
response: t.Object({ msg: t.String() })
`🦊 Elysia is running at ${app.server?.hostname}:${app.server?.port}`
export type App = typeof app
# .env (or environment variables)
# and / or
AUTH_LOG_LEVEL=trace # takes precedence
# default log level is off - no logs from auth plugin
# [ "fatal", "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace", "all" ]
// on the client
import { edenTreaty } from '@elysiajs/eden'
import type { App } from '../../api/src/index'
const app = edenTreaty<App>('http://localhost:3000')
const login = async () => {
// get code from url (query param)
const response = await app['social-login'].post({
code: "<from query param>"
// type Response = { sessionToken: string }
// save sessionToken
// and then send it on all subsequent request
// in "authorization" header
And that's it.
Advanced setup
You might want to connect to multiple providers, or configure certain other aspects of the plugin. With the typed config it is pretty self-explanatory, here is a full example nonetheless.
// plugin/auth.ts
import { Static, t } from "elysia"
import { IdTokenPayload, multiProviderAuth as authPlugin } from "elysoid"
const SessionSchema = t.Object({
id: t.String(),
roles: t.Array(t.String())
}) // create any session schema that you need for your app
type Session = Static<typeof SessionSchema>
// type IdTokenPayload = { sub: string, email?: string, name?: string }
const login = async (payload: IdTokenPayload, provider: string): Promise<Session | null> => {
// Get user from DB, based on "sub" (or create)
// - BASED ON PROVIDER!!! ("google", "apple"... see below in the config)
// - with all required data for session
// - return null if not authorized to login
return {
id: "1",
roles: [ "admin" ]
export const auth = authPlugin(SessionSchema, login, {
session: {
authHeader: "authorization",
tokenPrefix: "Bearer ",
jwt: {
secret: "shhh",
expiration: "2h",
providers: {
'google': {
tokenEndpoint: "https://google.com/token",
clientId: "yourgoogleclientid",
clientSecret: "yourgoogleclientsecret",
redirectUri: "https://yourapp.com/googlecb"
'apple': {
tokenEndpoint: "https://apple.com/token",
clientId: "yourappleclientid",
clientSecret: "yourappleclientsecret",
redirectUri: "https://yourapp.com/applecb"
}, (logMessage) => console.log(logMessage))
// on the client
import { edenTreaty } from '@elysiajs/eden'
import type { App } from '../../api/src/index'
const app = edenTreaty<App>('http://localhost:3000')
const login = async () => {
// get code from url (query param)
const response = await app['social-login'].post({
code: "<from query param>",
provider: "google" // based on where were you redirected to
// type Response = { sessionToken: string }
// save sessionToken
// and then send it on all subsequent request
// in "authorization" header