Elvish Calendar conversion of dates and utilities
Elvish Date library
This npm module elvish-date
includes the ElvishDate
class that mimics the standard JavaScript Date
class, but for the Reckoning of Imladris (aka Imladris Calendar or Elvish Calendar).
NPM module for Elvish Calendar conversion of dates and utilities
Elvish Calendar
For information on the Elvish Calendar (Reckoning of Imladris), visit Quenya101: https://quenya101.com/calendar/
Find the JSDoc documentation here, or below.
Kind: global class
- ElvishDate
- new ElvishDate([...args])
- instance
- .getYen() ⇒ number
- .getYenNumeral() ⇒ string
- .getLoa() ⇒ number
- .getPeriod() ⇒ number
- .getPeriodName() ⇒ string
- .getDayOfLoa() ⇒ number
- .getDayOfPeriod() ⇒ number
- .getDayOfWeek() ⇒ number
- .getDayOfWeekName() ⇒ string
- .getTime() ⇒ number
- .setYen(yen)
- .setLoa(loa)
- .setPeriod(period)
- .setDayOfPeriod(dayOfPeriod)
- .setTime() ⇒ number
- .toString() ⇒ string
- .toDate() ⇒ Date
- static
- .length : number
- .periods : Object
- .daysOfWeek : Object
- .yen(romanNumeral) ⇒ number
- .fromDate([...args]) ⇒ ElvishDate
- .now() ⇒ number
new ElvishDate([...args])
constructor() constructor(Date) constructor(ElvishDate) constructor(attributes) constructor(yen, loa, period[, day])
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | [...args] | Date | ElvishDate | Object | number |
elvishDate.getYen() ⇒ number
Return number of the Yen (> 0) for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getYenNumeral() ⇒ string
Returns the roman numerals representation of the Yen for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getLoa() ⇒ number
Return the number of the Loa (1-144) for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getPeriod() ⇒ number
Return the number (0-8) of the Period for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getPeriodName() ⇒ string
Return the name of the Period for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getDayOfLoa() ⇒ number
Return the number of Day of the Loa (1-based index) for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getDayOfPeriod() ⇒ number
Return the number of Day of the Period (1-based index, upper limit depends on Period) for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getDayOfWeek() ⇒ number
Return the number (0-5) of Day of the Week for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getDayOfWeekName() ⇒ string
Return the name of the Day of the Week for the specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.getTime() ⇒ number
Returns the numeric value of the specified date as the number of milliseconds since Yestarë, I 1, 00:00:00 (not supported for prior times).
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
Sets the Yen value (> 0) for a specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | yen | number |
Sets the Loa value (1-144) for a specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | loa | number |
Sets the Period value (0-8) for a specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | period | number |
Sets the Day of Period value (1-based index, upper limit depends on Period) for a specified date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | dayOfPeriod | number |
elvishDate.setTime() ⇒ number
Sets the time in number of milliseconds since Yestarë, I 1, 00:00:00 (>= 0) for a specified date.
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.toString() ⇒ string
String representation of the specified date.
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
elvishDate.toDate() ⇒ Date
Get current ElvishDate as Date
Kind: instance method of ElvishDate
ElvishDate.length : number
Number of arguments handled by constructor (4)
Kind: static property of ElvishDate
ElvishDate.periods : Object
Constants for periods {YESTARE: 0, TUILE: 1, LAIRE: 2, YAVIE: 3, ENDERI: 4, QUELLE: 5, HRIVE: 6, COIRE: 7, METTARE: 8}
Kind: static property of ElvishDate
ElvishDate.daysOfWeek : Object
Constants for days of week {ELENYA: 0, ANARYA: 1, ISILYA: 2, ALDUYA: 3, MENELYA: 4, VALANYA: 5}
Kind: static property of ElvishDate
ElvishDate.yen(romanNumeral) ⇒ number
Helper for getting number for Roman Numeral of Yen
Kind: static method of ElvishDate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | romanNumeral | string |
ElvishDate.fromDate([...args]) ⇒ ElvishDate
Accepts same arguments as the standard Date constructor, or accepts a Date instance fromDate() fromDate(int) fromDate(dateString) fromDate(year, month[, day[, hours[, minutes[, seconds[, milliseconds]]]]]) fromDate(Date)
Kind: static method of ElvishDate
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | [...args] | number | string | Object |
ElvishDate.now() ⇒ number
Return the number of milliseconds since time 00:00:00 of Yestarë, I 1 (March 29, 1)
Kind: static method of ElvishDate