Verify examples in Elm doc-comments
Verify examples in your docs.
:information_source: This was formerly known as elm-doc-test
:warning: This is not a replacement for tests, this tool should be used for improving your documentation.
$ npm i elm-test -g
$ npm i elm-verify-examples -g
$ elm-test init
There is no need for any configuration. elm-verify-examples will run on all elm files in the specified source-directories
). It's possible to create a config file if you want to run it on only a subset of files or on additional markdown files.
$ touch tests/elm-verify-examples.json
contains information on which files contain verified examples and where to find them.
"tests": ["Mock", "Mock.Foo.Bar.Moo", "./README.md"]
Alternatively you can run elm-verify-examples on all elm files in your source directories:
"tests": "all"
"tests": ["all", "Some.md"]
It's recommended to add ./tests/VerifyExamples
to your .gitignore
If you are building a package, you can pass the string "exposed"
instead of an explicit list of modules,
this will cause all the documented modules in your package to be verified. This makes it easier to keep these in
Writing Verified Examples
Verified examples look like normal code examples in doc-comments.
Code needs to be indented by 4 spaces.
You can specify the expected result of an expression, by adding a comment -->
(the >
is important) and an expected expression.
{-| returns the sum of two int.
-- You can write the expected result on the next line,
add 41 1
--> 42
-- or on the same line.
add 3 3 --> 6
add : Int -> Int -> Int
add =
Multiline Examples
You can write examples on multiple lines.
{-| reverses the list
[ 41
, 1
--> [ 1
--> , 41
--> ]
rev [1, 2, 3]
|> List.map toString
|> String.concat
--> "321"
rev : List a -> List a
rev =
You can specify imports, if you want to use a module or a special test util.
import Dict
myWeirdFunc (Dict.fromList [(1, "a"), (2, "b")]) [2, 1]
--> "ba"
Intermediate Definitions
You can use intermediate definitions in your example. :information: Unused functions don't get added to the test. This is useful if you wanna add incomplete examples to your docs. :warning: Intermediate definitions need a type signature!
isEven : Int -> Bool
isEven n =
remainderBy 2 n == 0
List.Extra.filterNot isEven [1,2,3,4] --> [1,3]
filterNot : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a
Types in Examples
You can define union types and type aliases in your examples.
{-| With a union type in the example.
type Animal
= Dog
| Cat
double Dog
--> (Dog, Dog)
double : a -> ( a, a )
double a =
( a, a )
{-| With a type alias in the example.
customTypeAlias defaultUser "?"
--> "?Luke"
type alias User =
{ id: Int -- ID
, name: String
defaultUser : User
defaultUser =
{ id = 1
, name = "Luke"
customTypeAlias defaultUser "_"
--> "_Luke"
customTypeAlias : { a | name : String } -> String -> String
customTypeAlias { name } prefix =
prefix ++ name
Examples in markdown files
You can also verify code example in markdown files (such as your README). To do so, add the file's path to your elm-verify-examples.json
file and write your example using the sames rules as above (no need for 4-space indentation here).
This is my README!
It explains how the `Documented` module works:
import Documented
Documented.two --> 2
Verify Examples
converts your verify-examples into elm-tests, and optionally runs them using elm-test
. To only generate the test files in tests/VerifyExamples/
$ elm-verify-examples
This is useful if you want to run your tests using different runner than elm-test
, e.g. elm-coverage
. If you also want to run the generated tests:
$ elm-verify-examples --run-tests
Note that this way the test files will be removed after they are ran.
By default, this command looks for the config file at tests/elm-verify-examples.json
. If you want it to load a specific config file use the --config
argument (e.g. elm-verify-examples --config my/custom/path/elm-verify-examples.json
will read the config from my/custom/path/elm-verify-examples.json
You can run elm-verify-examples for one or more modules explicitly. They don't have to be specified in tests/elm-verify-examples.json
$ elm-verify-examples ./src/Foo.elm ./src/Foo/Bar.elm
You can pass a custom path to elm-test if necessary.
$ elm-verify-examples --elm-test=./node_modules/.bin/elm-test
$ # or add it to your elm-verify-examples.json `elmTest: "../node....`
$ # you can also pass arguments to elm-test with --elm-test-args
It will use the elm-test installed with this package.