Generic Elm ports for interacting with LocalStorage
Elm LocalStorage Ports
Interface with LocalStorage in Elm.
Quick Start
1. Copy LocalStorage.elm
into your Elm project
$ npm install -g elm-localstorage-ports
$ cd /path/to/elm/project
$ elm-localstorage-ports init
You will be asked,
Are you inside one of the "source-directories" from your project's elm-package.json? (y/n)
Type y
and elm-localstorage-ports
will create all of the necessary Elm files.
Note: elm-localstorage-ports init
must be run from a directory in the "source-directories\"
array in your project's elm-package.json
. The above commands assume that /path/to/elm/project
is the path containing elm-package.json
, and that you have not modified "source-directories"
2. Use it in your Elm code
module MyElmApp.App exposing (main)
import Json.Decode as JD
import Ports.LocalStorage as LocalStorage
type Msg
= SaveToLocalStorage String
| LoadFromStorage
| ReceiveFromLocalStorage (LocalStorage.Key, LocalStorage.Value)
type alias Model =
{ favoriteFruit : String }
-- ...
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
LocalStorage.storageGetItemResponse ReceiveFromLocalStorage
-- ...
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
case msg of
SaveToLocalStorage fruit ->
( { model | favoriteFruit = fruit }
, LocalStorage.storageSetItem ("favoriteFruit", fruit)
LoadFromStorage ->
(model, LocalStorage.storageGetItem "favoriteFruit")
ReceiveFromLocalStorage ("favoriteFruit", value) ->
case JD.decodeValue JD.string value of
Ok fruit ->
{ model | favoriteFruit = fruit } ! []
Err _ ->
model ! []
-- ...
3. Register your Elm app in JavaScript
var node = document.getElementById("my-elm-app-container");
var myElmApp = Elm.MyElmApp.embed(node);
var localStoragePorts = require("elm-localstorage-ports");
API Reference
View the full API reference here.
Questions or Problems?
Feel free to create an issue in the GitHub issue tracker.